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I am a sealing technician for a company that manufactures, electrical transformers for city's, countries, and corporations.My main love however is network marketing and building income sources from home.I am also a master distributor for a new love drink ( aphrodesiac drink for men and women ) being launched in the USA


The Marketplace for Loans




"Selling is a numbers game..." Or IS it?Here's how it works:You have "leads". Maybe you bought them, maybe you generated them on a website, maybe you tapped them on the shoulder, maybe they called YOU in response to an ad you ran somewhere...No matter where they came from the definition of a lead is the same thing---Someone who MAY or MAY NOT be interested in your business.Here's where the old school mentality leads you astray:If they're definitely NOT interested, they're not a lead. No matter how many of them there are, no matter what you say to them---Without their interest, you're wasting your time.

Which is better--- contact with 250 people and 1 of them buy (or do whatever it is you want them to do)--- or contact with 50 people and ultimate success with 10 of them? Which would be a better use of your time? This is a no-brainer, right?But here's what you may be NOT thinking about--- burning through all those "oysters" trying to find a "pearl"--- yeah, you made some sales--- but what about the ones you lost?See, it's not what you do, it's how you do it. Some of those people you churned through and turned off eliminate any hopes of future business, because they know that with you it's all about the numbers... "Some will, some won't, so what! Someone's waiting.

"Resist the temptation to lead with whatever it is you're selling and find out first if what you have will INTEREST them. They don't even have to WANT it yet, so long as they're interested.The sale might not happen immediately. They might not join your business tomorrow. But, with your interest in them, you will take the pressure off of yourself , and LET them buy or join--- WHEN and IF they're ready






Wisdom Is Knowing What We Don't Know

I hate surprises when they're on me. I love surprises when it's happening to someone else. My guess is that many other people feel as I do, and don't really like to be surprised, while rather enjoying keeping others in the dark. We silently sing to ourselves, "I know something you don't know!"Somehow, I don't think it is in our best interests to keep the big surprises of our work all that secret. So I'll let it out, right here and now. In the categories of a classical SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), this article will be about weaknesses. However, the weaknesses we will address here won't be like any you might imagine.

When most people think about weaknesses, they think about physical disabilities, mental problems, even moral issues. In our framework, these are not weaknesses, they are opportunities! These things do not cripple purposeful change. They are learning experiences, and therefore, growth experiences. Even the awareness of our own ignorance or lack of skill can open the door to greater capacity.Whatare the real weaknesses? We find them in the awareness that we call of ‘comprehension’. Surprise!! "How," you might ask, "does comprehension qualify as weaknesses? Don't we count it among our greatest strengths?" Yes, I'm afraid we do.

That is the cause of many problems. We only think we understand or comprehend, when, in fact, we’re often deluding ourselves. What passes for comprehension is, in almost all cases, nothing but arrogance.People think that when we understand something, we know what a thing really is. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Humankind does not draw meaning out of the real world, we put meaning into it. With apologies to Viktor Frankl, if "Man's Search for Meaning" yields any results at all, it’s because we have succeeded in creating meaning for ourselves -- and then we're very pleased with ourselves because we are able to "find" it.

We impose the words of a languageon our perceptions to attempt to give them structure and dimension. We assume that everybody sees the same color that we call "green". We see in reality what we expect to see there, nothing more or less. We are deeply, creatively involved in structuring reality to suit ourselves, and then we dare to claim objectivity. We are hopelessly blinded by our common cultural presuppositions and prejudices, yet we dare to judge and ridicule others who are culturally programmed differently.

It is this arrogance, masquerading as understanding and comprehension, that blocks purposeful change in our personal and professional lives. It lies at the roots of misunderstandings, hatreds and wars. It is only when I am strong enough to lay aside my certitude and, as Benjamin Franklin said at the Constitutional Convention, to "doubt a little of my own infallibility" that perception might have the chance to shine on its own without the colored filters we are used to imposing on it. Itseems that, as often happens, what we are most proud of (that is, our comprehension) is the cause of our greatest shame.In fact, there is nothing "objective" about purposeful change.

It never happens "out there" unless it is happening "in here". Purposeful change often sounds like: "I'm sorry." "Forgive me." "I didn't know." "I was mistaken." Purposeful change always starts with humility — the admission that our knowledge is only limited and it is one-dimensional. That one dimension is our own. When personal and team strengths are balanced with humble and appreciative inquiry, the way is open toward opportunity and purposeful, lasting change. And that should be no surprise!=====================================================================
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Success is a Matter of Decision

Since we are talking about our life and our future, inevitably and ultimately we have to make certain decisions. Decisions are about making the right choices (Nobody wants to make the wrong choices anyway). No matter how hard pressed we are, we have to know that we have choices. We just have to decide which course to take. Whichever course we choose, there will be consequences waiting for us, be it good or be it bad. The choices we make today will color the spectrum of our life in the future. We may dream of "flying to the moon and play with the stars" but before we could do that, we need to do certain things first.

We certainly could not wait for the moon to fall on our lap. We need to set our dreams, choose the right vehicle to achieve our dreams, transform our dreams into tangible goals and last but not least, we need to act fast as if our life depends on it. Do I consider myself idealistic? Hmmm … I do not know. First of all, I personally do not think there is anything wrong with being an idealist. When I was a lecturer with one of the local universities, students came to me with their problems. I would counsel them and gave them something to hold on to. They'd leave feeling good about themselves. That made me felt good about myself. Now, distributors in my group come to me, telling me how difficult it is to run the business.

After talking to them and let them see things with their heart, they leave with renewed spirit and recharged energy. Those words of encouragement made them feel good and that made me feel good about myself. If that is being idealistic, then I have to succumb to your definition of that very word. I know that things are not perfect and rosy all the time. Things that you want will not fall into your lap without putting up a fight. Winners do not quit, only losers do! One thing that differentiates winners and losers is that winners do not give up.

When the chips are down, I do not to spend too much time finding out why they were down. But I need to know which chips are still standing and make the best of what I have. Learn from the mistakes and claw my way back. Falling down flat on my face is beginning to be a common thing. But picking things up and put the pieces back together, forging forward is a brave thing to do. These are the trademarks of a true champion. And I think this is true in everything that you do. Be it business, working for someone or even relationships! I appreciate the strength that I have gained over the years being trained at the "HardKnocks University".

I agree with you that the underlying conclusion is "survival of the fittest". I can't be living life being a fire fighter all the time. I need to see things from a structural standpoint and to be able to understand what went wrong and what went right. Since, I am not going to live forever, I must be able to tell my successor how to do things right the first time. Isn't that what learning is all about? Those are not the words of a trainer, but it comes from what I sincerely believe in. Is that being idealistic? I am just being a realist! I say no more … Sometimes when something "bad" happens, we need to learn and find the strength to resolve and handle the situation in the most immaculate way. But instead, we find ways to build bigger and thicker walls around us.

We are not solving the problems but we are shielding the problems from the eyes of others. As long as we are "protected" from the real world and as long as we can hide behind the make believe fortress, we assume to be all right though not realizing that the problems get bigger and bigger like a time bomb waiting to explode, like a volcano waiting to erupt. Sometimes we just need to hold the bull bythe horn and face each situation openly, resolving them with care and wisdom. Someone once told me, "do not let the fear of striking out stop you from playing the game". We are probably looking at and dealing with extreme ends of the scale. And there is no compromise.

At one end we see the ray of hope for us to live another day while at the other end we see nothing and not even a flicker of light. At one end we are looking at possibilities and opportunities while on the end we see nothing but fear and threats. At one end we are looking at an uncertain present but a promising future while on the end we have a certain present and an uncertain future. At one end you can see joy and happiness while on the end you see grief and sorrow. At one end we can have honesty and integrity while on the other end we see lies and deceit. At one end we can actually see freedom while at other end we can only see the present. At one end we can actually see love and compassion while atthe other end we see hate and resentments.

I can go on … It is always difficult to stay in the middle. We have to make a stand and you will have to make that choice and somehow we need to respond and react. We can't control the inputs and stimulus that come to us but we sure can control how we respond or react to them. For example, we can't control whether or not it will rain today but we can control how we react if it does. We can't control whether or not the air conditioning will breakdown but we can control how we react if it does. This is the 20/80 rule or in statistics it is called the Pareto Rule. Statistically, the rule states that 80% of the problems that we face are often caused by 20% of the population.

Practically, applying this concept to real life it simply means that 20% of life is made up of what happen to us while the remaining 80% of life is decided by how we react. We really have no control over 20% of what happens to us. We cannot stopthe car from breaking down. There will be delay in the plane's arrival, which throws our whole schedule off. A driver may curse off in traffic. We have no control over this 20%. The other 80% is different. We determine the other 80%. How? This is interesting … by our reaction and response. Lets look at an example.

You are eating breakfast with your family. Suddenly, your daughter knocks over a cup of coffee onto your business shirt. At that moment, you have no control over what just happened. What happens next will very much depend on how you react. You curse and you harshly scold your daughter for knocking the cup over. She breaks down in tears. After scolding her, you turn to your spouse and criticize her for placing the cup too close to the edge of the table. A short verbal battle follows. You storm upstairs and change your shirt. Back downstairs, you find your daughter has been too busycrying to finish breakfast and get ready for school. She misses the bus.

Your spouse must leave immediately for work. You rush to the car and drive your daughter to school. Because you are late, you drive 80 km an hour in a 60 km an hour limit. After a 15-minute delay and throwing RM100 traffic fine, at last you arrive at school. Your daughter runs into the building without saying goodbye. After arriving at the office 20 minutes late, you find you forgot your briefcase. Your day has started terrible. As it continues seems to get worse and worse. You look forward to coming home. When you arrive home, you find a small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter.

All the emotional mess because of how you reacted in the morning. So, why did you have a bad day?

a) Did the coffee cause it?

b) Did your daughter cause it?

c) Did the policeman cause it?

d) Did you cause it?

Of course, you know what the answer is.The answer is D. You had no control over what happened with the coffee. How you reacted in those five seconds is what caused your bad day. Here is what could have and should have happened. Coffee splashed over you. Your daughter is about to cry. You gently say, "It's okay honey, you just need to be more careful next time". Grabbing a towel you rush upstairs. After grabbing a new shirt, your briefcase, you come back in time to look through the window to see your child getting on the bus. She turns and waves.

You arrive five minutes early and cheerfully greet the staff. Your boss comments on how good the day is you are having. Notice the difference? Two different scenarios. Both started the same. But both ended differently. Why? Because of how you REACTED. You really do not have any control over 20% of what happens. The other 80% was determined by your reaction. Here are some ways to apply the 20/80 principle. If someone sayssomething negative about you, do not let it affect you. Let the attack roll off like water on glass. You do not have to let the negative comments take away the good side of you. React properly and it will not ruin your day.

A wrong reaction could result in losing a friend, being fired and getting unnecessarily stressed out. How do you react if someone cuts you off in traffic? Do you show your temper? Do you pound on the steering wheel (I have heard instances when the steering wheel actually fell off)? Do you curse? Does your blood pressure skyrocket? Do you try to bump them? Let's put things this way, WHO CARES if you arrive ten seconds later at work? Why let the other cars ruin your drive? Remember the 20/80 principle, and do not worry about it. Your boss called you and said that the Company has to release you. So, you are out of a job. Why lose sleep and get irritated? It just doesn't work that way. Use the worrying energy and time into finding another job.

The plane is late; it is going to mangle your schedule for the day. Why take out your frustration on the flight attendant? She has no control over what is going on. Use your time to study, get to know the passengers. Why get stressed out? It will make things worse. Now you know the 20/80 principle. Apply it and you will be amazed at the results. You will lose nothing if you try it. You will only have lots to gain. The 20/80 principle is just incredible. We can change the way we see things, the way we react and the way we respond by applying the 20/80 principle. We can be at the right end of the scale. --

- Copyright © 2006 Azman Taher - I was born in 2nd October 1962. I currently live in Kuantan, the state capital of Pahang in Malaysia. I am married and blessed with three children. Although my background is in the area of ComputerScience but right now I am a Human Resources Consultant for an oil palm plantation company in Kuantan, Pahang. I have conducted motivational seminars for schools and corporate clients. Besides reading, writing is also another favorite hobby of mine. My first book will hopefully be published early of 2007.



When you do this business right, you dont? have to ask people to join your business? They ask you!
When you do this business right, you don?t have to hold home meetings!
When you do this business right, you dont? have to post flyers!
When you do this business right, you don?t have to make a list of 100 people you know and pitch your business to your friends and family!
When you do this business right, your leads PAY YOU MONEY to prospect them!



Commercial Loans




It seems these days you can't check your email without a so called real estate guru in Florida or Texas who wants you to buy a course to show you 30 ways to make a fortune in real estate in the next 30 seconds, while I have to admit that I am exaggerating the time frame, the message is all the same, let's separate fact from fiction.

Fact: Yes there is a mortgage crisis and there are lots of people out there being affected by this, mortgage companies are going out of business left in right just check out this site to see the latest count, as well as thousands of foreclosure all across the nation

Fiction:You now can attend a seminar, buy a book and make a fortune in real estate, ask yourself have I all of a sudden developed a new understanding now, that I didn't have a year ago when they were selling something else, while I'm not going to pretend to know all of you out there, I would guess that you would probably answer this question with a resounding NO.

While there is a great opportunity to get into the real estate investing now, especially with a strategy based on wholesaling, Buy and Hold, and under the optimum circumstance rehabbing, as a matter of fact, it's my opinion "there will be opportunity in any market condition provided you have the knowledge to capitalize on it."

Now don't get me wrong, I'm' not saying, that you shouldn't educate yourself, in my 15 years of investing, I have spent thousands of dollars on seminars, books and courses. and I don't regret one dime, well there's this one book about making money selling real estate on eBay, that i could saved my money on, but that's another story. What I am saying is specialize, become that person who knows all there is to know about wholesaling, or rehabbing or Buying and holding, one niche at a time

This reminds me of a story I heard about the two campers that came across the hungry bear in the jungle, you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to out run the guy right next to you..






A comment that I hear often is, "My biggest problem so far is


So far, my team is barely treading water." Are you having this problem too?One way to find people that are driven to succeed is to look for people that are already successful. Well, if they're already successful, why would they want to look at M.L.M, you say?"Successful" in the corporate/professional world usually means in terms of money but in most cases, time is being traded for that money and there is a very busy schedule to go along with it.

As we know, M.L.M can offer ongoing, residual income and time freedom, something most "successful" people want but don't have.What's the best way to approach these people? Most professionals and businesspeople get 'pitched' a lot, and after a while, they get a bit 'jaded'. They're not impressed by the usualemotional phrases such as "make big money...only 10 hours a week...incredible lifestyle...etc. etc" that are so often used in our industry. They are more likely to analyze and ask the "tough" questions about an opportunity. Why? Because they know the correct questions to ask.

They are going to question the legitimacy of a company, the product, the timing of product in the market, and especially the legitimacy of the marketing plan. A top performer has gotten to where they are by educating themselves, and more importantly - working hard to implement what they've learned in their industry. So, when looking at your opportunity, any top performer will not be looking at you...they will be considering the merits of what you're offering. They will want to make an educated business decision based on facts, not hype.

Now, it's true, among businesspeople and professionals, there are still a lot ofnegative pre-conceived notions about Network Marketing. And that's exactly why I created the Brilliant Compensation DVD.Brilliant Compensation delivers a completely logical, non-hyped explanation of the networking business model. To add credibility and very convincing content, the DVD also contains an interview with Dr. Charles W. King, who is the Professor of Marketing at the University of Illinois in Chicago, who also holds a Ph.D. in business from Harvard University.

Obviously, professionals are impressed with Dr. King's Harvard credentials, and when they hear his personal journey during the interview from skeptic to believer...and the years of non-biased due diligence he put into researching the makes a huge impression. Here's a comment I received from one such professional after she watched Brilliant Compensation:" I consider myself one of the most hardened people in the world, totally impervious to selling statements. Why? Because I write ads for a living, and so can see through almost any promotion.

Well, I have to say this: your "Brilliant" film got my attention. I watched almost the WHOLE thing, and I NEVER do that (unless it's research for a client). These people let you know their credentials (Harvard? Hmmm...must know something here). They are clear, and they gave one of the best and most succinct presentations of well-known marketing principles I have ever heard. - Sheri

"If you want to confidently approach professionals about your business, you need Brilliant Compensation and I'm making it easy for you to get it... Buy 4 Brilliant Compensation DVDs Get 4 FREE! =







By Connie Podesta =

All right. You're tired of playing their game. You finally realize that those difficult people in your life are not going to change just because you wantthem to be different. You've decided to refuse to play your part in the dysfunctional relationship(s) by choosing to be assertive.

Now what?

Healthy communication is the ability to let others know your needs, concerns, and feelings in an open and honest way without gimmicks, threats, manipulation, or hidden agendas. There's no doubt that the assertive communication style is the only way to effectively deal with the difficult people in our lives.

The Assertive Personality- Open, Honest, and Direct
When we are assertive we choose to handle ourselves, our reactions, our relationships, and stressful situations in a healthy, responsible, and non-manipulative manner. We understand that we have choices. Remember that you will be treated exactly as you feel you deserve to betreated.
Communication is a learned skill.

We must model assertive communication to our children so they can learn to handle conflict and sustain healthy relationships. Assertive people ask questions, seek answers, look at all points of view, and engage in meaningful, open-ended dialogue without anger, hurt feelings, or defensiveness. Does that sound like the typical exchange today?

We see examples of non-assertive communication everyday (media, talk shows, news, politics, etc.). In fact, most problem-solving models are not effective in the long run. For example, if two employees cannot seem to work together, they're rescheduled or reassigned to different shifts, floors, or departments to avoid having them work together. The message is clear: do not confront, mediate, or learn to communicate; simply separate and avoid the problem. Is it any wonder that the divorce rate is sohigh?

Our children are encouraged to be passive. When children ask "Why?" they're often given the pat response, "Because I'm your parent (or teacher) and I said so!" There are times when a child needs to immediately follow direct instructions, but there are many missed opportunities for our children to learn to respectfully participate in discussions that affect their lives.

Take Charge!

Regardless of our diverse histories, each of us is responsible for our present behavior. If we want to neutralize difficult people, we must commit to communicating assertively.

Warning! Difficult people will not like being treated assertively - at first.

Difficult people only respect people who have the confidence to stand up for themselves. Assertiveness is their biggest enemy. It signals thatyou have figured them out and will no longer be swayed by their manipulations. Things may get worse before they get better!

Be prepared for some trying times with the difficult person when you first become assertive. For instance, asserting yourself with an employer who is used to your working overtime, missing lunch, accepting angry criticism and attacks, may earn you the label of an insubordinate.

Likewise, asserting yourself with a parent who has become comfortable with your total compliance and willingness to let guilt cause you to give in may cause them to declare, "You don't love me anymore." Unfortunately, there is no "quick fix."
It's up to you...

Self-respect is the true key to developing and maintaining healthy relationships. Our relationships with others mirror our relationship with ourselves. Self-esteem developswhen we consistently strive to make healthy, fair, and ethical choices.
It is true that if you demand respect and become more assertive the relationship might end.

But, it is not quitting to have the courage and self-respect to sever an abusive or addictive relationship. Sometimes being assertive is about knowing when it is imperative to our well-being and self-respect to disengage.

Assertiveness is more than just words. You must have a belief in yourself that radiates through your voice, gestures, tone, attitude, and body language that says, "I am a worthy person and I will be treated respectfully."Self-respect is where assertiveness begins and manipulation ends. Take Action!

Look closely at the times your family or friends areassertive. How do you react? Doesn't it feel good to be with someone who is upfront, honest, and cooperative? Think about the times when you are not assertive. What other communication style(s) do you most often use? Does it work? Are you rewarded for your non-assertive behavior?

Try to be assertive at the times you might use another communication style. Do others react more positively toward you?


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How to Find Prospects
By Tim Sales

Prospects are basically the foundation of any business as they are the ? potential? customers to the business. So just how do YOU find prospects? Let?s start out with a definition of the word promote which is the most important word in finding prospects. The word promote means: to make known. I was recently helping a person in my downline with her business, which was not growing. As I asked various questions I finally found the ?nasty bug? that was stopping her business from moving forward. She didn?t want to come off as being or sounding sales-y. This stopped her from promoting.

How does everyone else promote?A politician promotes how he/she can make a whole community?s life better - so he?s/she?s making herself known to the public by promoting and making known to as many people as possible what he/she can do for them. If you?ve noticed, politicians promote on TV, radio, signs stuck in the grassor on telephone poles along a busy street or maybe speaking at various group meetings.A college promotes what courses it offers. It might promote on radio, might promote to high schools or through sporting events. A stockbroker promotes that he can help his/her prospect make money.

A local restaurant will promote via radio, or mailing brochures or discount coupons.The worst thing you can ever do in your business career is to think, ponder, worry or even get the idea that it?s unprofessional to promote!You really need to know and understand promotion. The only way you can have prospects, therefore customers or distributors - is to promote. The only way for you to make money in network marketing is to promote. You can write down your dreams and goals and study them every night. But you?re as effective as a billboard in the middle of the desert. No one knows you exist until you make yourself known.

So if you ever find yourself where your business isn?tgrowing or you don?t have enough prospects, enough customers, or enough distributors - what do you do? Promote! Why do you promote? The reason you promote is to create desire for your product. How would you know that someone desires your product or business? Well certainly if you sent a post card and someone called the number - that?s someone showing desire. Even if a person called and asks, ?How much is this?? It would still be someone showing desire - or at least slight interest. If you called a friend and asked them to look at something and they said, ?Send it to me.? That?s showing a desire. People sometimes refer to desire as ?responses,? as in, someone responded to my promotion.

Different types of promotion So now let?s talk about different types of promotion that create desire.
You could promote in:

* The Help Wanted, the Sales & Marketing or the Business Opportunity sections of a newspaper, *Advertising section of magazines, * Direct mail, such as sending out post cards to everyone in your zip code, * Door hangers, * Email, banner ads on the internet, * Networking. I?m sure you could have guessed that I would name that one. But you would be surprised at how many people when mentioning all the ways to promote, miss that one. In fact, if you use traditional promotion with the mindset of just finding a network of people to work - you will fare far better than most who only measure their responses with how many people respond to their advertisement.

You can turn one response from a promotion into thousands if you properly network.One other place to find prospects is to promote to leads you purchase from a lead company. The advantage of this is you?re only paying for those who?ve responded and you?re not paying for all the people who didn?t respond. If I send out 10,000 post cards and get 20 responses, then I paid for 9,980 post cards that didn?t get a response.The advantage of writing your own ads of course is being able to target your specific audience with your specific product or opportunity message. Which is VERY important and should not be underestimated. In contrast, when you buy leads, you?re buying general ads - perhaps people who?ve responded to wanting a home based business.

The other down side to buying leads is that very often, lead companies resell their leads to more than just you - so you?ve got extra competition to deal with.Three broad ways to promoteNow, it probably sounded like I just contradicted myself; I didn?t. I just saved you years of running in circles trying to figure the advantages and the disadvantages to generating your own leads or buying leads. This is the game. You must promote. There are three broad ways to promote.

1. Networking- which costs the least - you?re going to have costs of mealswith prospects - costs of joining clubs and associations. So I have rock climbing club fees, I have mountain climbing association fees, horseback riding fees, mountain biking fees- these are like $50 - $100 dollars a year.

2. Buying leads is more expensive than networking, less expensive than generating your own - but has some advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes you get some hot leads - sometimes, you swear you?re calling a graveyard.

3. Generating your own. Most expensive, but has the advantages of targeting your prospects. Here?s a list of advertisements that I?ve run (I?ve included example post cards on the last page of this bulletin):
* Some people earn Ten thousand dollars a year. And some people earn One million in the same year. Click here to see difference.
* Need more money; NOW! * Does it ever break your heart to leave yourkids at daycare? * Looking for a FUN business? * Go to the golf course when it?s not crowded. * The truth about making money. A lot of it. * WEALTH FORMULA. * Wealth formula that takes a lot of effort - but retires you in 4 years. * Extremely well paying position available to right person. Must have sales & marketing experience. Sales training a big plus. * Immediate Need for Effective Sales Person.

Unlimited earning and growth potential. Self-starter, sales writing skills and team player will be keys to success in this growing, high tech organization. Will be responsible for generating sales leads, preparing and giving presentations on company products and training sales team fordevelopment company. Great benefits. Great FUN TEAM! Fax resume to:Be ?in? businessThe bottom line is you must be using at least one of these three methods. If you?re not, you?re not in business - you?re out of business. What you should be doing, if you see the big picture and want the very big income is you need to be doing all three.

All the time. Ideally you start out by networking, which will create enough money to buy leads, then you?ll generate enough money from the leads you purchased to generate your own leads. My point is, as soon as you start making any money, reinvest it in promotion.One other thought, don?t measure your success by just your immediate responses. Any marketer who is of any value knows that how you measure return on promotion investment is based on the ?life of the customer.? NOT immediate return. Get one leader from a MONTH or 6-MONTHS of promotion and it can pay you for the rest of your life.

People often ask me, how much money did you make your first year in network marketing- I tell them, ?I don?t know, I?m still earning it.? Much respect and admiration,

Tim Sales -




When my father was slowly progressing through the phases of a terminal illness, as a final legacy he revealed to me a sequence of 9 extraordinary "wealth-building" steps he nicknamed, "The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul." On the surface, his lessons appeared to be about building material wealth. On a much deeper level, these Insights held the secret for overcoming our greatest challenges and achieving the highest wealth of the soul.

My father, himself, had used these same Insights as an army pilot-trainee to turn several near-crashes into soaring flights. Later, these Insights were the means through which he would raise himself up from the devastating death of his beloved daughter -my sister. Four years after my father's last great lesson to me, while actually writing a book on the subject, I awakened one morning perceiving a profoundly deeper significance of his 9 Insights.

I suddenly understood that they are the actual stages of "TRANSFORMATION."Whether you desire to transform a dream into reality, failure into triumph, grief into grace, or a relationship breakdown into a bridge of love and higher understanding, these universal principles are the means you can naturally accomplish your goals.Here is a summary of my father's "9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul":

Just as a tree begins with a seed, so too, is Insight the "seed" that begins your transformation. One of the greatest insights is simply the knowledge that "You Can." You CAN overcome your greatest challenges. You CAN transform your dreams into your own living, breathing reality. You CAN create a new life for yourself and your loved ones.

Insight 2: TIMING
The saying "Timing is everything" is not just anice expression. Without developing excellent timing, you will always be fighting the natural ebb and flow of the universe. Just as most seeds sprout on a particular day in springtime, YOU can develop the ability to recognize the precise day of spring for all you do.Whether asking for a raise, launching a business venture, or bringing up a difficult subject to a friend, loved one or business partner, your ability to recognize the often brief moments of maximum opportunity will determine how much success and balance you achieve.

Insight 3: PATIENCE
Only humans are impatient. Seeds do not attempt to turn into trees in winter. Eagles don't try to soar during lightening storms. And Mayflowers do not blossom in August. Developing patience - your ability to wait for the right moment in your life cycle to accomplish a particular task or goal - is all important to develop excellent timing and great success.

Insight 4: SURRENDER
What must you do to let go of your need to control things? How can you let go of your past mistakes and history that may be preventing you from moving forward? How do you spiritually surrender to "the process?"Without spiritual surrender, you will never be content, you will never have patience and excellent timing. You will never experience the joy and "flow" of having the greatest business and life partner you could ever possibly have: namely, "The Universe" and "God."

Insight 5: GROUNDING
With strong roots, a tree will survive any storm. When YOU create a strong foundation, your greatest efforts will withstand the many storms and challenges you inevitably face in achieving your goals.Grounding is what you use to nourish and nurture your goals. Grounding is the books, tapes, schooling, seminars, and people you surround yourself with to supportyourself in whatever you want to achieve.Want to have a great relationship? Learn from those who already have one. Want to earn a million dollars? Read books, listen to tapes, and receive coaching by those who show you how. When you have ample "grounding" to support your dreams, the challenges that come along are merely temporary storms that ultimately make you stronger and more highly energized.

Insight 6: BALANCE
This is a tough one, especially for the most successful people. Even when a tree is well developed, without regular water, sunshine and nourishment, it will not be healthy. What must you do to balance yourself?How much sunshine do you get? How much exercise do you regularly do? How nourishing is your diet? How much quiet time do you take on a daily basis with yourself and your loved ones?Life is a balancing act. Isn't the minute, hour, day or month you save by working through yournatural point of balance just another minute, hour, day or month you subtract from your lifetime?Take breaks to smell the roses along the way, and in fact, you'll naturally discover the universe rises up to become your partner rather than it being you against the world.

Insights 7, 8 & 9
GROWTH automatically occurs in direct proportion to your ability to empower yourself with the first 6 Insights.EVOLUTION blossoms when your growth takes you to a new and higher stage of life, unfolding a powerful Vision of your life you probably never foresaw.TRANSFORMATION occurs when you become something very different than that which you started off as. Your initial seeds of Insight become a tree of knowledge and accomplishment. You are ready for something greater than achieving for your own personal gain.You, the student, become the teacher, the mentor, the leader. You are thevessel of seeds to birth a new generation. You enjoy the glow of knowing you have followed your highest path that ultimately leads you to helping others follow theirs.All along, you have been transforming into a balanced, wealthy and fulfilled human being.All along, you have been transforming yourself into a "Wealthy Soul."Yours for the greatest wealth of all, --- Copyright © Michael R. Norwood, D.C., C.C.N. Dr. Michael Norwood is the best-selling author of "The 9 Insights of the Wealthy Soul," which has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and The Atlanta Journal & Constitution. Interviews of him have been broadcast on more than 300 radio and television stations worldwide. His books have changed the lives of thousands of readers and have profoundly affected me as well.








All people are born with three inborn fears. These three fears are:

* Fear of falling

* Fear of loud noises

* Fear of abandonment

As a child, these inborn fears kept you safe. They helped you monitor your life and what's going on around you. They were needed. Think about it, it is fear that gives you the powerful adrenaline rush so that you will have the ability to flee from a situation that is truly unsafe or the same adrenaline rush needed to fight to win! So, it would be fair to say that some fear is healthy and needed.The problem arises when you react to these inborn fears out of habit.

It's just what you've always done. It's your pattern. These inborn fears play out in an adult life through real-life situations of sudden change, responsibility, commitment, and success. Each one of these circumstances is inevitable in building a business, raising a family, or creating and maintaining a happy marriage.So, if you're caught in the trap ofhabits and patterns of behavior, oppose them by using your intellect to face the fear – walk in it – and walk through it!

Stop responding to these fears by allowing them to affect your behavior or cloud your dream. Make the distinct difference between reacting to fear and acting in fear.When you feel the fear begin to build in your gut, use your intellect to talk you through the childhood fear and into truth. Feeling fearful is normal! Reacting to it is not. Stop reacting to fear out of habit and patterns of behavior!Have a great day!

Lisa Jimenez M.Ed."Helping people breakthrough hidden fears and self-limiting beliefs to live a more outrageous, faith-filled life."Conquer your hidden fears of prospecting and create an unstoppable mindset! Lisa Jimenez has helped thousands of top salespeople shatter their self-limiting beliefs and finally get the breakthrough success they want. When itcomes to personal productivity and creating unstoppable momentum - there is no one better for you than Lisa.

Lisa penetrates the hearts of your audience when she reveals her own experience of how she broke through self-limiting beliefs and turned them into the driving force behind her success. Then used these new beliefs to sign a six-figure consulting contract just 9 months later. To order Lisa's best-selling 'Conquer Fear! Ending Procrastination and Self Sabotage to Achieve What You Really Want' package scroll down to 4 below or go to

"When you work, work. When you play, play. Don't mix the two."
Jim Rohn
( )







Competent, Effective, and Repetitive Training is the single
most important element for your network marketing success. -
Before I teach you how to train your downline to achieve success in network marketing, it's important that you
know the dictionary's definition of these four words: competent, effective, repetitive, and .

Competent = Able; Capable; Sufficient; Adequate

Effective = To Produce the Desired Result.

Repetitive = To experience or do again and again.

Training = To educate and make proficient or qualified
by instruction, drill, repetition, etc.

In order to achieve most great things, we will need to receive competent, effective, and repetitive training. Consider the person who takes up karate. If that person's goal is to become a "black belt", then they must receive competent, effective, and repetitive training over a period of several years, during which time they must apply what they learn on a consistent basis. There is absolutely no other way for them to become a "black belt."

Consider the person who takes up the game of golf. If that person's goal is to have a single-digit handicap
(9 or less), then they must receive competent, effective, and repetitive training throughout many years, and they must
apply what they learn on a consistent basis. There is no other way to achieve a single-digit handicap in golf.

Consider the person who wants to become a doctor. They must receive competent, effective, and repetitive
training throughout many years and they must apply what they learn on a consistent basis. This is an absolute
must in orderto become a doctor. There is no other way.

Now . . . consider the person who becomes a network marketer. The "rookie" quickly learns – contrary to what
they may have been told by their sponsor or some other source of "how-to information" – that network

Copyright © 2006 Tracy Biller. All rights reserved. 7

marketing is unlike anything they've done in their past, and that there's a fine line between that which works
and that which doesn't. In fact, the rookie network marketer quickly learns that much of what they've been taught to do by their sponsor or upline or company trainings (or from the overwhelming majority of the ineffective generic training that's available) simply doesn't work, which is the primary reason so many rookies quit the business within the first
six months.

Many rookies come into network marketing with the goal ofearning at least $5,000 a month with their network
marketing business. Many others want to earn $10,000 or more a month in network marketing. The bottom line
is that in order for them to achieve a $5,000 or $10,000 monthly income with network marketing, they must
receive competent, effective, and repetitive training.

There is absolutely no other way for them to achieve a
lucrative income stream in this industry, regardless of what they may have been told. I'll repeat it again, and I urge you to read these next two sentences slowly: If you and your downline receive incompetent and ineffective training, then it's virtually a guarantee that you will all fail in network marketing regardless of which company you're with, or how hard you work, or how long you work.

But if you and your downline receive competent, effective,
and repetitive training – and you apply what you learn –
then it's virtually a guarantee that you all will succeed in
network marketing. TRACY BILLER -





Tim, ?

How do I motivate my downline?? I am asked this question frequently. Let?s get clear on what is meant by the question?How do I motivate my downline? It means, ? What can I do to get them to produce more??Does anything work? This is one of my favorite subjects because it?s so misunderstood. Historically people have tried the most asinine things in an attempt to ?motivate? human beings. Slavery and threatening of life, rallies and hype-driven events, even people running across hot coals.

The US Navy has done many different experiments to try to get men to produce more. They?ve tested whether men who go out drinking together produce more. They?ve put men who hated each other together and men who were best friends together to see which would produce more. None of these have worked?for very long. People can come out of a Tony Robbins event super excited and ? motivated.? But after a day or two? maybe even a week? they?re back to their previous production level. I might as well go ahead and let the cat out of the bag because he?s practically ripping the bag open at this point.

But you can get them to produce more. Which is what you really want FOR them and FROM them anyway. To get your downline to DO more, to get them to exhibit confidence, cheerfulness, and discipline requires you to do two things: GET THEM EFFECTIVE AT WHAT THEY DO and make it in their interest to do it. The US Navy concluded that when production was high, more production occurred.

Effective training is the only thing that truly works So for you?trying to get your downline to produce more?or produce anything?you must train them. You might be saying, ?But I train my people every Saturday! I give them a training manual. I do conference calls.? I realize you may have been working very hard at training your downline. But, the test of effective training is not whether you conduct training. It?s whether the student can do it! NOTHING ELSE.

List of what to train your downline Here?s how and what I recommend you train your downline on.

* How to establish goals

* How and what to know to be effective
(most of which is on this list)

* How to promote

* What to say to people when they make phone calls

* How to set appointments

* How to present the business or products

* How to sell the business or products

* How to sponsor People
(the correct procedures and sequence)

* How to train new distributors To get your downline to produce and produce more, you need to get them effective in each one of these areas.

When they can do each of these things, they will be motivated because they are effective. They WILL produce because they feel ABLE to produce. Bomb squad trained meI did not just come up with this system overnight. I worked it up and down until it worked. I got the concept from something I learned in the bomb squad. Before my network marketing career, I was in the US Navy Bomb Squad.

Only one man is allowed to go work on a live bomb. No sense in blowing two bomb-techs up because of one man?s mistake! When we headed down to work on the bomb, we took a piece of plexiglas and a grease pencil. When we were getting ready to do the first step of defusing the bomb we would

a) Write what we were going to do.

b) Do the item.

c) Check it off as being done.

Then go to step two. Write it down, do it, then check it off.
The reason we did this exact sequence is because if the bomb blew up, the other bomb squad techs knew that very valuable information was written on that piece of plexiglas. When they retrieved the plexiglas they would see that item 1 and 2 were okay to do. But item 3 upset the bomb?don?t do that step!

The items written on that Plexiglas became our ? Standard Operating Procedures.? Obviously leaving out that last step that upset the bomb! It was our sequence of defusing that bomb when we faced it again. I applied the same principles to network marketing and the above list of activities. These activities are the only activities that make money in network marketing.

Be a great coachAs a coach, if you have your distributor keep a record of how many times he/she does each activity you can coach the exact item that THAT distributor is having a problem with. If you don?t use this list and try to coach?you?re coaching on what you think the group needs. Or you?re coaching a ?pet? category of your own. I?ve observed closely new distributors. They don?t ?engage? into the business until they feel confident in what to say to their prospects.

Therefore, they need to know how to do items 1-5 before you have them on the phone. See, it doesn?t make sense to know how to do New Distributor Training before they know how to set appointments. I?ve known lots of distributors who?ve quit that still know the compensation plan. I know plenty of failed distributors who know how to train a new distributor who have never sponsored anyone.

I don?t know a lot of distributors who have quit who can set appointments and have the prospect show up. My point is, first train your distributors to be able to invite, and then train them how to present, and then train them how to train. Other items important in getting your downline to produceEthical behavior. People will not follow (or produce for) someone who is unethical or dishonest.Boldness. People will follow boldness because they like following in the footsteps of a bold leader.

What does it take to be bold? You must produce yourself. Let your downline see you face your fears. Let them see you make phone calls, let them see you do presentations; let them see you standing there waiting for your guests. Be interested in them. Show your people that you are interested in their goals. Put your front line?s goals on your refrigerator. Talk to them about their goals. This is where the ?make it in their interest to do it? comes in.

Be the source of information. Always be up-to-date on the latest information. This means you stay connected to the company?s source of information. Also, teach your downline where your sources are?otherwise you will always be stuck with the job. I think you can tell that I don?t agree with the philosophy of ?leaders are found not made.? Train your distributors to be effective and they will be self-motivated.

This is very different from you trying to ?pump them up,? which doesn?t work.

Much respect and admiration,

Tim Sales -



GV MALL SET UP INSTRUCTIONSHere's a "short-cut" version to my website:
Then click on the link LAUNCH YOUR OWN WEBSITE 2. Go to TO SIGN UP for an OurGV AFFILIATE Business Website 3. Then follow the online instructions. The first screen is asking for some information. There will be a couple more screens, which are very simple. =======================================




By Connie Podesta =

All right. You're tired of playing their game. You finally realize that those difficult people in your life are not going to change just because you wantthem to be different. You've decided to refuse to play your part in the dysfunctional relationship(s) by choosing to be assertive.

Now what?

Healthy communication is the ability to let others know your needs, concerns, and feelings in an open and honest way without gimmicks, threats, manipulation, or hidden agendas. There's no doubt that the assertive communication style is the only way to effectively deal with the difficult people in our lives.

The Assertive Personality- Open, Honest, and Direct
When we are assertive we choose to handle ourselves, our reactions, our relationships, and stressful situations in a healthy, responsible, and non-manipulative manner. We understand that we have choices. Remember that you will be treated exactly as you feel you deserve to betreated.
Communication is a learned skill.

We must model assertive communication to our children so they can learn to handle conflict and sustain healthy relationships. Assertive people ask questions, seek answers, look at all points of view, and engage in meaningful, open-ended dialogue without anger, hurt feelings, or defensiveness. Does that sound like the typical exchange today?

We see examples of non-assertive communication everyday (media, talk shows, news, politics, etc.). In fact, most problem-solving models are not effective in the long run. For example, if two employees cannot seem to work together, they're rescheduled or reassigned to different shifts, floors, or departments to avoid having them work together.

The message is clear: do not confront, mediate, or learn to communicate; simply separate and avoid the problem. Is it any wonder that the divorce rate is so high?

Our children are encouraged to be passive. When children ask "Why?" they're often given the pat response, "Because I'm your parent (or teacher) and I said so!" There are times when a child needs to immediately follow direct instructions, but there are many missed opportunities for our children to learn to respectfully participate in discussions that affect their lives.

Take Charge!

Regardless of our diverse histories, each of us is responsible for our present behavior. If we want to neutralize difficult people, we must commit to communicating assertively. Warning! Difficult people will not like being treated assertively

- at first.

Difficult people only respect people who have the confidence to stand up for themselves. Assertiveness is their biggest enemy. It signals thatyou have figured them out and will no longer be swayed by their manipulations. Things may get worse before they get better!

Be prepared for some trying times with the difficult person when you first become assertive. For instance, asserting yourself with an employer who is used to your working overtime, missing lunch, accepting angry criticism and attacks, may earn you the label of an insubordinate. Likewise, asserting yourself with a parent who has become comfortable with your total compliance and willingness to let guilt cause you to give in may cause them to declare, "You don't love me anymore." Unfortunately, there is no "quick fix."

It's up to you...

Self-respect is the true key to developing and maintaining healthy relationships. Our relationships with others mirror our relationship with ourselves. Self-esteem developswhen we consistently strive to make healthy, fair, and ethical choices.
It is true that if you demand respect and become more assertive the relationship might end.

But, it is not quitting to have the courage and self-respect to sever an abusive or addictive relationship. Sometimes being assertive is about knowing when it is imperative to our well-being and self-respect to disengage.

Assertiveness is more than just words. You must have a belief in yourself that radiates through your voice, gestures, tone, attitude, and body language that says, "I am a worthy person and I will be treated respectfully."

Self-respect is where assertiveness begins and manipulation ends.

Take Action!
Look closely at the times your family or friends areassertive. How do you react? Doesn't it feel good to be with someone who is upfront, honest, and cooperative?

Think about the times when you are not assertive. What other communication style(s) do you most often use? Does it work? Are you rewarded for your non-assertive behavior?
Try to be assertive at the times you might use another communication style. Do others react more positively toward you?


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Is This a Pyramid or a Legitimate MLM?
By Jeffrey A. Babener© 2003

The Inevitable Question

OK, you have either been recruited for a network marketing opportunity or you are the one doing the recruiting. Inevitably, this question will come up: Is this a pyramid scheme or a legitimate business opportunity?
This Tuna's for Selling
..> ..>
..> ..>

A Checklist

1. Product and Price

2. No Investment Required

3. Purchase and Inventory Requirements

4. Sales Commissions Sources

5. Buy-Back Policy

6. Retail Sales

7. Active Role for Distributors

8. Earnings Misrepresentations

9. Good Training..>..>..>..>

Although this is a complex legal area, a simple story draws a clear line in the sand. Party No. 1 sells Party No. 2 a case of cans of tuna fish for $10. Party No. 2 sells the same case to No. 3 for $20 and so on until No. 9 sells the case to No. 10 for $500. No. 10 opens the case and opens one of the cans, which turns out to be rancid. He goes back to No. 9 who refers him to No. 8 and so on until No. 10 goes to No. 1 to complain.

"I have major problem," he says.
"So, what's your problem?" says No. 1.
"Well," says No. 10, "the tuna is rancid, it's inedible."
"So, what's your problem," No. 1 says again.
No. 10 says, "Like I said, this tuna is no good."
"Well," says No. 1, "the way I see it, you don't really have a problem."
"What do you mean?" says No. 10, "this stuff is worthless."
"You don't understand," said No. 1, "this tuna is for selling, it's not for eating!"

And there lies the difference. Distributors in a network marketing program that are merely buying product to buy intothe deal as opposed to an intention of really making a market for it, are really working a pyramid scheme, not a legitimate direct selling business. Remember, when you offer this opportunity to your next-door neighbor or your best friend, it's your credibility that's going to be on the line for years to come.

What to Look for - A Checklist
So, what do you look for with respect to legitimacy vs. pyramid? Here's a good checklist to consider.

Product and Price
Does the company offer a high quality product for which there is a strong demand in the real world market place? Is the product fairly priced and priced competitively with similar products? Can the product be demonstrated, and does it stand out when you show it to friends? Is the product proprietary to the company, and available only through its distributors? (Have you ever noticed that you can't buy Avon products in stores or Shaklee vitamins at pharmacies?)

Is it backed up with a customer satisfaction guarantee?
Is post-sales service or customer assistance available?
Do the people who participate in the program buy the product enthusiastically based on its own merits, even if they don't participate in the compensation program?

Second, No Investment Requirement
Can you participate in the company's program without having to make any investment other than purchasing a sales kit or demonstration materials sold at company cost?

Third, Look at Purchase and Inventory Requirements
Can you become a distributor or sales representative without having to fulfill a minimum up-front purchase or inventory requirement? (When you are pitched to put thousands of dollars of inventory at the very beginning, run fast in the opposite direction.) Does the company's compensation plan discourage inventory loading? Garages and backrooms filled with product serve no useful purpose to anyone.

Fourth, Look at the Sales Commissions Sources
Are sales commissions paid only on actual products or services sold through distributors in the network to the end-user or ultimate consumer? (This means that products don't end up in basements and closets. They are used, because they have genuine value.) Does the compensation plan avoid paying commissions or bonuses for the mere act of sponsoring or recruiting? (If it pays headhunting fees, it is illegal.)

Fifth, Check the Buy-Back Policy
Will the company buy back inventory and sales kit materials from distributors who cancel their participation in the program, as long as these items are in resalable condition? (This policy is required in states that have adopted multilevel distribution statutes.)

Sixth and Very Important, Look for Retail Sales
Is there an emphasis on actual retail sales to end-consumers? Can the company demonstrate efforts to market products tothe ultimate consumer? Do the company's distributors have ongoing retailing requirements to qualify for commissions?

What is a "retail sale?" The industry and many MLM statutes include both sales to nonparticipants and purchases in reasonable amounts for personal use by distributors. Some regulatory groups, including the FTC, have historically rejected personal use as a legitimate retail sale. Stay tuned as this debate continues. The legislative trend is definitely supportive of the industry position.

Seventh, Expect an Active and not Passive Role for Distributors
Are distributors in the company required to actively participate in the development and management of their networks? (Many of the MLM statutes require that distributors perform bona fide, supervisory, distributing, selling, or soliciting functions in moving product to the ultimate consumer.)

Eighth, Watch Out for Earnings Misrepresentations
Do the company'sliterature and training materials scrupulously avoid claims of income potential that is
promises of specific income levels other than demonstrations of verifiable income levels within its program?

(The Federal Trade Commission, attorneys general, and postal inspectors all have their eyes on the matter of earnings representations. The acceptable approach emerging is that there should be no earnings representations unless they are based on a verifiable track record of the average earnings of distributors. For instance, a company should have statistics to show the percentage of active distributors and the average earnings of active distributors.)

Finally, Look for Good Training
Does the company offer its independent distributors solid training opportunities in sales and recruitment? Are different levels of training offered to match the increasing levels of experience and responsibilities of distributors?

The Journey Begins
OK, is this the end of your journey? Obviously not. You have now looked at some legal issues and its time to move on to some solid business analysis. But it's a great start.


When you do this business right, you dont? have to ask people to join your business? They ask you!
When you do this business right, you don?t have to hold home meetings!
When you do this business right, you dont? have to post flyers!
When you do this business right, you don?t have to make a list of 100 people you know and pitch your business to your friends and family!
When you do this business right, your leads PAY YOU MONEY to prospect them!





It seems these days you can't check your email without a so called real estate guru in Florida or Texas who wants you to buy a course to show you 30 ways to make a fortune in real estate in the next 30 seconds, while I have to admit that I am exaggerating the time frame, the message is all the same, let's separate fact from fiction.

Fact: Yes there is a mortgage crisis and there are lots of people out there being affected by this, mortgage companies are going out of business left in right just check out this site to see the latest count, as well as thousands of foreclosure all across the nation

Fiction:You now can attend a seminar, buy a book and make a fortune in real estate, ask yourself have I all of a sudden developed a new understanding now, that I didn't have a year ago when they were selling something else, while I'm not going to pretend to know all of you out there, I would guess that you would probably answer this question with a resounding NO.

While there is a great opportunity to get into the real estate investing now, especially with a strategy based on wholesaling, Buy and Hold, and under the optimum circumstance rehabbing, as a matter of fact, it's my opinion "there will be opportunity in any market condition provided you have the knowledge to capitalize on it."

Now don't get me wrong, I'm' not saying, that you shouldn't educate yourself, in my 15 years of investing, I have spent thousands of dollars on seminars, books and courses. and I don't regret one dime, well there's this one book about making money selling real estate on eBay, that i could saved my money on, but that's another story. What I am saying is specialize, become that person who knows all there is to know about wholesaling, or rehabbing or Buying andholding, one niche at a time

This reminds me of a story I heard about the two campers that came across the hungry bear in the jungle, you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to out run the guy right next to you..



When you do this business right, you dont? have to ask people to join your business? They ask you!
When you do this business right, you don?t haveto hold home meetings!
When you do this business right, you dont?
have to post fliers!
When you do this business right, you don?t have to make a list of 100 people you know and pitch your business to your friends and family!
When you do this business right, your leads PAY YOU MONEY to prospect them!





What is network marketing if it isn't consistency in purpose?The name of the game is, know what you stand for - stand for it - and act in accordance with it in everything that you do from today until you meet your objective.The problem is when you're on the phone all the time getting fed negativity and rejection all the time even the strongest willed person will have moments of doubt.

But if you can pay yourself along the way to validate what you are doing is the right thing and you can continue that process until you meet your goals . . .Then my friend you're on the path to great success. Always be consistent in your actions, but make sure the things you stand for are thing sthat you can stand for 10 years from now and you will make moolah along the way and then you have a winning formula that just can't fail.

To the top,
Daegan Smith = "The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead"
For more information about Daegan Smith go to =



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Prospecting is the act of finding people who may be interested in the business opportunity you are promoting. Prospecting is the process of generating leads so you can begin recruiting, hoping to ultimately sponsor new people into your business. Prospecting can take on various forms. It can be advertising in various medias such as newspapers, tabloids, ad co-ops, Internet newsgroups, personal letters (postal or email), magazines, postcards, card decks, telemarketing.

There are probably others that I failed to mention, but the whole idea of prospecting is getting your business opportunity in front of the masses. Prospecting is generally considered the first step in a one ortwo step recruiting process. This is a very important part of the total process because it identifies those people who have some interest in the business you offer. It also gives you a chance to include qualifiers in order to filter out the "tire kickers" and those who are not serious about a business opportunity.

Qualifiers also help people determine if they want more information or not. It's how you word your ad that will determine the type people and their interests who respond to your ad. I will do another article on the art of writing effective prospecting ads and sales letters which is necessary for the art of building a business. I have seen effective two step and three step prospecting approaches. Here is an example. You might mail out a postcard that advertises your business opportunity . . . but only enough information with qualifiers for certain people to respond.

I like to ask for money as a way to qualify people. One reason is when people haveto pay money, they are more likely to read what you send to them. It may be only $1.00 or $2.00 or $3.00, depending on what you are sending them. Yes, your response rate will be less, but your responses will be more qualified for you to continue the whole process of sponsoring people into your program. The second step after the postcard is to send an information package to the responder. Rather than calling it an information package, I call mine "start-up" packages.

After all, people are more willing to send you a couple dollars for a "complete start-up package" than an information package. I always offer a 100% refund should they return the package. That helps the response because it becomes risk free, yet it acts as a qualifier. I saw an effective three step approach once that started with a postcard which asked for $1.00, and the responder received a letter that was designed to motivate them to order a complete "business-in-a-box" for less than $50.00.

With their business-in-a-box was all the information and applications necessary to become a distributor for the business . . . and it was set up very professionally, and offered a 100% refund guarantee if the business-in-a-box was returned. What was really amazing was the postcard and the letter did not mention the name of the company, but it was effective because of the turnkey approach, and because of curiosity. I was highly impressed! Recruiting Recruiting is the act of selling, or sharing your business opportunity with others.

This is where you are giving the benefits of your business to those people who have taken the first step . . . people who have responded to your prospecting efforts. Recruiting can be done through person to person contact . . . be it phone, mail or meeting in person. The most effective way is by meeting person to person, but talking on the phone can be effective also. Most people, when searching for an income opportunity, want tohave a personal relationship with their potential sponsor.

The fastest way is person to person, or by phone. Even the Internet now provides a special type of bonding, as messages can go back and forth several times a day.

The two most important parts of recruiting are:

(1) providing the benefits;

(2) asking for the sale.

Providing the benefits means telling your prospect why it is in their best interest to get involved with the business you are representing. That means you talk about HIM, not you! It means you find out what it is that your prospect is looking for. . . his dreams .. . . his wants . . . his desires . . . his goals. He doesn't want to know that YOU are now financially free; that you are making $5,000 monthly; that you have 2,000 in your downline.

These facts are all wonderful, but they don't do anything for your prospect. They are not a benefit for your prospect. The hardest part of recruiting is LISTENING. It is very easy to talk about yourself and the business, but it is difficult to listen. Someone once said God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. Only after you listen can you share the benefits with your prospect, because you won't know what he is looking for until you LISTEN to what HE is looking for.

This aspect makes recruiting easy at the beginning because you can simply ask:

(1) what are you looking for in a business?

(2) What do you hope to accomplish with your own business?

If you are willing to listen, those two questions will open up a whole world for you. People will tell you a lot about themselves when they answer those two questions. Now you are ready to provide your prospect with benefits based on THEIR wants, desires, dreams, goals. You already have the vision . . . you simply need to transfer that vision to your prospect.

The second aspect of recruiting is asking for the sale. It's giving your prospect the opportunity to be sponsored by you. Believe it ornot, this is very difficult for people because of fear. Fear? Yes, fear that you might get a NO. But also fear that you might get a YES. People are fearful of being rejected, so to keep from being rejected, they don't ask the question.

There is a right way to ask for the sale. You don't ask,

"Are you going to join?" or "Would you like to sign-up now?"

You phrase the question in terms of whether what you have is something they see themselves doing in order to get that need, desire, or dream they mentioned before.

For example:

"Do you see this business as a way for you to be able to stay home with your children? or Can you see yourself working this business as a way to exit the rat race?" If the answer is YES, your next question should be "How would you like to start?" If their answer was "yes," it's easy to proceed. But often the answer is "maybe," or "I don't know," or some other question. This is where learning to answer objectionsis helpful.

At this point you should ask if there is something they don't understand, or ask if they have a concern. Usually people who ask questions really want to be sold. They want to be convinced. If a person just says NO, then that means the timing may not have been right. You need to tell them if their situation changes in the future, to get back in contact with you. Sponsoring Sponsoring is a process -- not simply an event.

The first part of the sponsoring process is when a person signs up in the business listing you as the sponsor. That is only the beginning, because sponsoring is so much more. Sponsoring includes mentoring, training, encouraging, motivating, listening, and anything else that will help your newly sponsored person to effectively build a business.

An effective sponsor will guide their newly recruited person. This may include providing additional sales tools to make the process easier and more effective for the newrecruit. This may include gathering information, or answering questions. It may simply include being there and listening to problems the new recruit may be having. I have heard the statement, "If I can help you get what you want, then I will automatically get what I want." Placing yourself in a helping mode seems to have many benefits.

I have found that if I take the attitude of sponsoring to make money, I don't do as well. But if I have the attitude of helping others make money, I do quite well. A good sponsor will also communicate with his people by way of telephone, e-mail, newsletter . . . whatever it takes to encourage and motivate his people. When you sponsor, you are no longer what is considered skilled labor. You have promoted yourself to a managerial position, and that means managing people. Along with that self promotion comes an equal increase in responsibility.

Your rewards are great. They can be financial, and a friendship reward, not tomention the reward of personal growth. Some people will suggest you pick your sponsor. That makes good sense to me. I have no trouble asking a person what they will do for me as their sponsor. Remember, you are not looking for a recruiter; you are looking for a sponsor when you go into a new business.

The above shows you the importance of prospecting, recruiting and sponsoring as a business-building process. In future articles, I will discuss business-building techniques which will make prospecting, recruiting and sponsoring more effective.






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Who's Sponsoring Who?

97% of all network marketers FAIL. Why?Because they don't know what they're doing. Take for example, "sponsoring". What is it? To most people, it's "getting people to do your deal". But let's see what WEBSTER'S (the dictionary) callsit:sponsor- patron; a wealthy or influential person who supports an individual, group, or activityalso defined as

That's what the dictionary says! (Look it up if you don't believe me.)By this definition, the customer is the "sponsor", or one who "supports an individual, group, or activity". But in network marketing, we get it backwards! Is there any wonder why almost all network marketers never earn more than $300?Look! Read! Understand! The "sponsor" is a WEALTHY or INFLUENTIAL PERSON... who is also a regular customer!So, the value of the "SPONSORS" you recruit is measured by their what? WEALTH or INFLUENCE. Unless they have either/or/both, YOU WILL FAIL AT NETWORK MARKETING.

Pure and simple.And remember, through it all, THEY MUST BE CUSTOMERS.The good news is, if you do the opposite of 97 networkers out of 100, you havea 97% chance of success! Learn this now and you'll put your network marketing business on the fast track.While we've got the dictionary out, let's look up "recruit", which is an important part of network marketing, right? Again from Websters:recruit- enlist persons for support of an organization, TYPICALLY IN THE FORM OF AN ARMY.

This one we only get half wrong. The military history of the word "recruit" is where we got the regimented attempt at duplication, where everybody does the same thing. We know now that doesn't work. Not everybody is good at the same thing. And almost nobody will call cold leads on the phone or "make a list of 100 people".

You DO need to enlist the help and support of others to build your network marketing organization, and they must be CUSTOMERS with measurable wealth and influence.How do you find them? The shortanswer is YOU DON'T. You let them find you!In the next 10 minutes, 165 people will believe in network marketing enough to join an MLM organization. 160 of those will fail, and some of those will want to try again. And THOSE ARE THE PEOPLE YOU'RE LOOKING FOR.The good news is, they're looking for you, too!

Here's a "short-cut" version to my website:
1) GO TO




Let Your "Eyes" Do the Talking

know a lot of people feel really uncomfortable when people stare at them, but it doesn't bother me so much. I guess I assume people are just friendly and curious. Personally, I'm always curious about the people around and I know I would stare at others more if it wasn't "against the rules".

In Asia, it's not culturally impolite to stare and as a white person, people really do tend to stare at you. I know that a lot of travelers find it very offensive, but in Nepal, I learnt that the best thing to do was to stare back at the person staring at you. The results were amazing. Sometimes it would take a full 10 seconds or more of staring and smiling but eventually the other person would start to smile and you felt a real connection.

Actually it's really amazing what you can say with your eyes alone.For instance have you ever wondered what happensif you do break the eye contact rules?One day in Stockholm, I was feeling so lonely that I decided to find out. It was a pretty funny experience. I was on the train about eight minutes from my station, and opposite me sat a young guy about the same age as me. So I looked at him and when he looked back at me I didn't do what was expected - I just keep looking, and of course smiling.

Well, what happened? After a short time, it occurred to me that he thought I was "checking him out". Oops, so that's what happens if you break this rule. The last few minutes to my station were a little uncomfortable and I couldn't get off that train fast enough! So wherever you go in the world you can say a lot without even opening your mouth. The problem is that sometimes what you are saying with your eyes depends on where in the world you are.

One thing is for sure though, wherever in the world you end up, a friendly look and a smile can open doors. So I challenge you to goout there and let your eyes do the talking!--- Written in 2006 by Clare McLennan --- SwedenI wrote this story to challenge people's own perceptions of strangers they meet. For more inspirational stories see:








"The Future Of The Networking Industry In An Online World. How To Explode Your Business In 2008 And Beyond."
A Revealing Report
By Mike Dillard =

- Mike
I don't know if you've been paying attention, but the industry has changed dramatically in the last year, and as it comes to a close, I'd like to spend the next few days sharing my observations of 2007, and my predictions for 2008 with you.
The past five years have been extremely interesting for network marketers thanks to the internet. Changes have come quickly, and been quite dramatic at times, but let there be no doubt… 2007 represented THE massive turning point for all of us, from which there is no return.

For better or worse, the internet has changed the very economics of network marketing, which has forced a shift in the way distributors pursue their business in all aspects, from advertising, to budgeting, to positioning, to relationship building, and monetization.

In many ways for a growing number of networkers, the goal has shifted away from building a "downline" to something entirely different, which I'll share with you in a later chapter.
So let's dive in and start with the obvious…

If you haven't noticed, the old fashioned sales routine of cold calling leads, holding meetings, knocking on doors and trying to convince people to look at youropportunity is officially DEAD. It's been made obsolete in an all-knowing market that's been wholly diagnosed with A.D.D. The next generation of computers will probably have a Ritalin dispenser built right in the monitor just you so can remain functional as you're bombarded with emails, pop-ups, and the latest Britney Spears YouTube video each day.

We've all read or at least heard of Faith Popcorn's "cocooning" prediction made over a decade ago, which simply means that people don't want to be bothered, and it's more true today than ever before. Company's hang "No Soliciting" signs on their doors, prospect's don't answer unrecognized phone numbers, and heck… I don't even accept personalvoicemail anymore.

We've been forced to seek shelter from unwanted solicitations, and to become very quick at filtering the information we do allow into our lives into one of two categories…

1: I still want this.

2: I no longer want this.

Those of you who continue to pursue and hunt for new business by cold-calling leads, pushing your business, and using old fashioned, outdated, un-leveraged manual labor methods, are violating every trend. You're wasting huge amounts of time and money, annoying potential customers and missing out on massive opportunities.

But there is a solution, and it's no secret. I've been teaching it tonetworkers since 2005 in Magnetic Sponsoring, and you can simply sum it up like this…Your prospects have an endless ocean of distractions and options to chose from which are only a click away.




By Tim Sales =

The definition of "legal" is "Authorized by or based on law."
Yes, MLM is LEGAL!
Says who?
Says the U.S. Federal Government.

In 1975 the Federal Trade Commission accused and sued Amway Corporation for operating as an illegal pyramid. After four years of litigation the court ruled that Amway's multi-level-marketing program was a legitimate business and not a pyramid scheme.

Perhaps there was a time prior to 1979 that someone could say, "MLM is an illegal pyramid scheme!" And they might have been correct because MLM hadn't been tested and adjudicated in court. But since 1979, only the uneducated can claim that the MLM industry is illegal.

This does not mean that ALL companies that claim to be an "MLM company" are legal. But, the INDUSTRY OF MLM IS LEGAL.
Now that the "legal" issue is stated and known, there's also a logical, ethical and professional issue that needs to be addressed.

What constitutes a "good" or "ethical" business? To answer this, let me first answer the question, "What is business?" If you were to ask this question of an academic (a professor or teacher) he or she would probably answer that business comes down to "supply and demand." But I personally disagree with this thinking. To me, business is "making someone's life better." My theory comes from the logic of why I personally reach into my wallet and pay for something.

It's not based on there being a supply of something (because there are a lot of things I don't buy), but rather that I think what I'm going to buy is going to make my life better in some way.

I don't know what "guide" or "rule" policy makers and those who write laws follow when they rule in favor of or against a particular business. In other words, do judges and policy makers use some fundamental guiding principle such as "supply & demand" or "to make someone's life better" to determine a legitimate or illegitimate business, or is it an arbitrary opinion? Is it based on how many lobbyists talk to Congressmen or Senators?

I bring this question to your attention so that you can think logically about any business or employment you seek. I don't know what you personally use as a guide of what businesses are good, professional or ethical. Ask yourself what makes a good business? Have you decided that a "professional business" is one where the people wear nice suits and have a nice building? Is a "good" business only one that is legal? Is a good business only one that is profitable? No! That is not logical at all.

Only a business that does make people's life better should be considered a "good, ethical, and/or professional" business. In comparison, a business that hurts people should be considered a "bad" and "unprofessional" business.

With that, I ask, "How can a business that manufactures a device designed to destroy thousands of people at once (such as a nuclear bomb) be an "ethical" business? How can selling a substance that kills 500,000 people EVERY year (such as tobacco) be a "good" business?

How can we view a scientist who approves a drug to be sold, but is responsible for 150,000 to 200,000 deaths a "professional?" How can a "law" that strips an average of $359 dollars annually from every American family (such as state lotteries), disguised as a quick way to "make millions" but with the chances of winning at 0.0000002605, be "ethical?"

I was recently studying an MLM company whose "business plan" is to feed hungry children. At current date the MLM company and their 6600 distributors have donated 95,771,944 meals to hungry children. WOW! Only an insane person (or one with an axe to grind) would claim an entire industry is unethical.

Now, don't think this web site is only going to say good things about people in MLM, as if no one has ever done anything wrong in this industry - quite the contrary. The goal of this section is to set the guideline for how we might view an ethical business and the ethical activities of ANY business.
A good business makes people's lives better; a bad business hurts people.

That would be the two ends of the spectrum. As an industry, MLM simply moves a product to a consumer . But in choosing which MLM company you want to join (or company you want to be employed by), I hope you evaluate it based on whether it helps mankind or harms it.

For a full explanation of the MLM industry on DVD,
The definition of "legal" is "Authorized by or based on law."
Yes, MLM is LEGAL!
Says who?
Says the U.S. Federal Government.

In 1975 the Federal Trade Commission accused and sued Amway Corporation for operating as an illegal pyramid. After four years of litigation the court ruled that Amway's multi-level-marketing program was a legitimate business and not a pyramid scheme.

Perhaps there was a time prior to 1979 that someone could say, "MLM is an illegal pyramid scheme!" And they might have been correct because MLM hadn't been tested and adjudicated in court. But since 1979, only the uneducated can claim that the MLM industry is illegal.

This does not mean that ALL companies that claim to be an "MLM company" are legal. But, the INDUSTRY OF MLM IS LEGAL. Now that the "legal" issue is stated and known, there's also a logical, ethical and professional issue that needs to be addressed. What constitutes a "good" or "ethical" business?To answer this, let me first answer the question, "What is business?" If you were to ask this question of an academic (a professor or teacher) he or she would probably answer that business comes down to "supply and demand." But I personally disagree with this thinking.

To me, business is "making someone's life better." My theory comes from the logic of why I personally reach into my wallet and pay for something. It's not based on there being a supply of something (because there are a lot of things I don't buy), but rather that I think what I'm going to buy is going to make my life better in some way.

I don't know what "guide" or "rule" policy makers and those who write laws follow when they rule in favor of or against a particular business. In other words, do judges and policy makers use some fundamental guiding principle such as "supply & demand" or "to make someone's life better" to determine a legitimate or illegitimate business, or is it an arbitrary opinion? Is it based on how many lobbyists talk to Congressmen or Senators?

I bring this question to your attention so that you can think logically about any business or employment you seek. I don't know what you personally use as a guide of what businesses are good, professional or ethical. Ask yourself what makes a good business? Have you decided that a "professional business" is one where the people wear nice suits and have a nice building? Is a "good" business only one that is legal? Is a good business only one that is profitable? No! That is not logical at all.

Only a business that does make people's life better should be considered a "good, ethical, and/or professional" business. In comparison, a business that hurts people should be considered a "bad" and "unprofessional" business.

With that, I ask, "How can a business that manufactures a device designed to destroy thousands of people at once (such as a nuclear bomb) be an "ethical" business? How can selling a substance that kills 500,000 people EVERY year (such as tobacco) be a "good" business? How can we view a scientist who approves a drug to be sold, but is responsible for 150,000 to 200,000 deaths a "professional?" How can a "law" that strips an average of $359 dollars annually from every American family (such as state lotteries), disguised as a quick way to "make millions" but with the chances of winning at 0.0000002605, be "ethical?"

I was recently studying an MLM company whose "business plan" is to feed hungry children. At current date the MLM company and their 6600 distributors have donated 95,771,944 meals to hungry children. WOW! Only an insane person (or one with an axe to grind) would claim an entire industry is unethical.

Now, don't think this web site is only going to say good things about people in MLM, as if no one has ever done anything wrong in this industry - quite the contrary. The goal of this section is to set the guideline for how we might view an ethical business and the ethical activities of ANY business.

A good business makes people's lives better; a bad business hurts people. That would be the two ends of the spectrum.
As an industry, MLM simply moves a transfers a product to a consumer . But in choosing which MLM company you want to join (or company you want to be employed by), I hope you evaluate it based on whether it helps mankind or harms it.
For a full explanation of the MLM industry on DVD, click here





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Conquering Me

Sometimes winning doesn't necessarily mean coming in first. My story is about overcoming self-doubt. We all have defining moments in our life, moments that make us who we are. It's what we do in these moments that define our character.
"Runners to your marks."My body froze, as if I had just jumped into a tub of ice."Get set."I got in my blocks, struggling to concentrate and drive away the chilling thoughts that were running through my mind.

I took a deep breath to push them all away.The gun cracked. My legs took over and my fears were silenced.One year ago, the red surface of the track burned my bare feet. The sun was shining as bright as the hope in each runner's eye. There was no wind and the sky was cloudless. The stands were full, but I don't remember hearing the roar of the crowd. All of my senses were focused on running.

The race was the 4x200 relay, my favorite event. We were placed in lane four, the fast lane. So many emotions were coming over me especially nervousness and excitement. The gun went off and my heart skipped a beat.I had a fast start out of the blocks; I was already making up the stagger.I ate up even more of the track, creating a visible lead.All I had left to do was hand-off the baton. Four months of practicing hand-offs made me confident that this would be like any other.

As I pumped my arm to run, I felt the end of the baton hit my thigh and fall out of my hand. The sound of metal hitting the ground is a sound I still hate to hear. The baton hit the track hard and rolled away from me taking with it all my joy. I was motionless, there was nothing I could do but watch the other runners pass me, stealing my race.I hung my head as I walked by my teammates. I had let them down. I felt lightheaded and dizzy, the heat all of a sudden became intense and the oncehappy sun was now mocking me.

I felt ashamed and embarrassed. I felt as if everyone who looked at me was saying, "That's the girl who dropped the baton." I could have left the track that day and never ran again and I wouldn't have cared.Now here I was.Could I overcome the anxiety of last year's accident? I was physically and mentally prepared for this race. The sound of metal hitting the track kept playing in my mind."On your mark.""Get set.""Crack"I drove out of my blocks as if someone had lit fire under my shoes, I felt strong.

I made it through my two hundred and sighed with relief after the hand-off. There was nothing more I could do but watch and cheer for my teammates.An hour later as my team and I were standing on the winners' podium, I knew I had overcome my fear. I had conquered one of the hardest things a person can, myself. --- Copyright © 2007 April Stottlemyre Running has been a part of me all my life. Perseverance, determination and conquering your fears are all things I learned on the track and are lessons that I can apply to my real life.





3 Reasons Why 3-way Calling To Your Upline Breeds Failure In Your Mlm

By Wil Chirinos According to the direct Sales Association approximately seven hundred and fifty thousand new people join network marketing companies every single year - that's over two thousand people every day. They join in industries as diverse as telecom, nutrition, merchant services, and legalservices. And every year, there are thousands of new individuals going through the usual MLM pitfalls.

Nine out of ten people fail within their first 90 days of business. They might as well make a large donation to these MLM companies - open up their entire bank account to them. They're failing not for a lack of efforts, commitment, or consistency - they're hard working people. So what's the problem? These new comers are failing because they are not being provided adequate MLM support and training on how to market a product or service in this industry. Let's take a look at one of the most common techniques taught for mlm prospecting: the 3-way call.

There are three major flaws with this:

First, when you attempt to call your upline leader to close the prospect foryou, there is always the possibility that he might not available when you need him or even if you could find him, he might not do a better job than you could. So you're counting on a system for mlm prospecting that is not that reliable in the first place.

Second, you invite more mlm pitfalls because you grow more dependant on your upline because 3-way calling doesn't teach you how to become a fully functional marketer yourself.

Third, you miss on the opportunity to set yourself up as the expert. Every time you bring your prospect to a 3-way call, you destroy your credibility, your image as the person to seek out and transfer that perception to your upline mentor.
Thanks to 3-way calling and the edification that takes place, your upline leader's visibility expands at your own expense and effort.

When you're taught to recruit by leading with the opportunity in this business, that automatically position your upline leader as the expert and you as the gopher who bring more prospects to hear him talk about how much money he is making. 3-way calling among other techniques in network marketing was not designed for you in mind, but rather for the upline who capitalizes on your time, your efforts, and energy.


When you do this business right, you dont? have to ask people to join your business? They ask you!

When you do this business right, you don?t haveto hold home meetings!
When you do this business right, you dont? have to post flyers!
When you do this business right, you don?t have to make a list of 100 people you know and pitch your business to your friends and family!
When you do this business right, your leads PAY YOU MONEY to prospect them!





What You Need to Know About People
By John C Maxwell =

Successful leadership is about 90% people knowledge and 10% product knowledge. Henry Ford once said, "You can take my factories, burn up my buildings, but give me my people and I'll build the business right back again."

You can have strong people skills and not be a good leader, but you cannot be a good leader without people skills. In my thirty plus years of leadership, I've discovered that many people in leadership positions fail to ever gain a proper understanding of the people they lead. As a result, neither they nor their people ever reach their potential.

But successful leaders are able to discern the needs of their people instinctively, then take action to meet them. The following is a list of the most common needs of people and how to meet them effectively. Though every item may not be true of the people you lead, take the time to determine what items do describe them. Then commit to take the proper action to put you and your people on the road to success.

The highest compliment a person can receive is one given by his or her leader. Mark Twain said, "One compliment can keep me going for a whole month." Take the time to notice your people's work and don't hesitate to tell them when they've done a good job. Make a habit of being generous and sincere with your compliments.

PEOPLE LOOK FOR A BETTER TOMORROW... GIVE THEM HOPE. Jean Kerr said, "Hope is the feeling we have that the feeling we have isn't permanent." In other words, when your people are having trouble seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, remind them of the purpose of their work and help them envision what their work will accomplish. With hope your people will work harder and longer to see a task through to completion.

Every leader would be wise to heed the Cherokee saying: "Listen to the whispers and you won't have to hear the screams." Don't judge what your people want to tell you before they've told you. Take time to understand their point of view and listen to their suggestions. It's the best way to ensure that they've been listening to you and it opens the door to innovative ideas for improvement.

Don Herald said, "Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it." Part of your job as a leader is to help your people figure out what they're most passionate about, then help them pursue it. Sometimes that may involve a position change within your organization or even allowing a person to pursue another opportunity. But when you understand that effectiveness comes as a result of surrounding yourself with people who love what they do, it's not difficult to let a person go who doesn't enjoy their work. Spend your best time developing and giving direction to those who are passionate about the work your organization is accomplishing.

Tom Peters said, "Techniques don't produce quality products or pick up the garbage on time; people do, people who care, people who are treated as creatively contributing adults." Before you ask anything of your people, make sure you've taken the time to understand and meet their needs. In doing so, you will give yourself a decided edge in maintaining their continued support.




The 5 Things in Your Home That Can Kill Your Home Business

The fact that you have decided to build a home business is awsome! And I congatulate you on a great choice. But... let me ask you aquestion... If you have spiders or bugs in your home... do you get rid of them? Of course you do... and we all know anyone else would as well.

There are 5 things in your home that can KILL your MLM or Home Biz if you are not careful, and many times that happens, unknowingly. A home biz is a great way to build a future, but if you build a home, you surely don't want to let termites eat the wood and destroy it, would you? of course not! You would get an exterminator for it amd make sure the house isn't destoyed... Isn't your future more valuable than a home? So let's take a look at what will KILL your home biz, and what to do about it...

1) "Life's Distractions"... Life can be so distracting...with all that happens in a day..but most of the distractions are ones we can control...but usually don't...
I call them "Time Termites"... They are what happen on a daily basis that eat away at our time and keeps us so busy with 'Life" that our business suffers...if you are part time and working a home business, this is even more important!

Because time is money and if you are too distracted to work your business, then the "Time termites" show up and eat away at your b usiness...and your self uimage... You know you should be working...but yet you have things that you need to do...that somehow take you away from your phone calls from friends, kids, home duties, etc...

You need to put a weekly SCHEDULE of when you are working, and let people know that you are not available for them (unless emergencies) and you will call them back, or get back to them... If you don't, then the "Time termites" will eat away at your business, and you will only have yourself to blame....

2) "Being BUSY...but not building".... Is your Network Marketing business a priority in your life? Is it something that you work DAILY? I can tell when i coach someone that if they are working their busienss on a daily, and consistent basis,but not much is happening, then their business is in motion...but not movement... If there is a lack of effectiveness in your home biz, then you have been invaded by what i call "Busy Bugs"... You are BUSY,.....doing all the wrong things that will not build your business...because it is not a priority nor a passion...

You may "pretend" to be working...but you are not are simply acting out the motions, and fooling yourself into thinking you are building a business... If you are not talking to new people everyday and following up everyday, you are BUSY...but not building..and that produces not much of a paycheck.. Buildingrequires MLM activities that communicate, market, and recruit...if you are doing everything else, then you are letting "Busy Bugs" eat away at your business, and soon your foundation of what you are building...will be weak...

3) "Doubts that this REALLY will work..." Do you REALLY believe that you will succeed in your home biz? REALLY? That alone will determine a lot of what happens in your home business... I call them "Doubt Daubers".... They are the "Wasps of Weakness' that can cripple your home business, and invade your mind and sting your thinking with the Venom of

Victim...not victory... You must think in your home business that it WILL work...because many spouses are negative because they sense you are not 100% sold on what you are doing, and if you are not... Why are you doing it? "Doubt Daubers" can actually build nests in your homebusiness...with the Mud of your mind...;and it will truly "Muddy Up" your business.. Is that what you want for it? NOT!

Take control of your home business and get the pest control Police kill the 'Doubt Daubers'...and the best way is to read, listen to, learn all you can about what you want to happen...Success... if you study success, then your home will have less of a chance to be invaded by the pesty 'Doubt Daubers"!

4)"Not being organized..." Are you READY to do business? Are you organized? if not...why not? If you are not organized, then your business will be invaded by what I call "Clutter Leeches"... Theyare the leeches that attack your
mind...because you have so much spread around, and you are not organized, it becomes an 'Emotional Anchor' on your heart...and business...

Clutter can destroy your business from just not feeling good about your work environment... Clutter can visually tell you that you are a failure...and a farce... Clutter can be a reminder that you are "pretending" to be in a business, but not working it like a Network Marketing business... If you worked in a company and your work space was a disgrace... You would be asked to clean it up and get organized.. Well? Don't let the leeches suck your energy... get a book on getting organized...and read it...and DO IT!

5) "Not taking your business SERIOUSLY..." THIS is a BIGGIE! How serious are YOU about your home business? GOOD QUESTION! If you are not serious about your busines...ifyou are "Playing with it"....then you are being invaded by "Player's Plague"... And that is a result of being bitten by "Acting Ants..." They are the Ants that help you ACT out building a business....but all you are doing is PLAYING and Acting like a serious business builder... But you are not really...

If you are will do on a daily basis what will help build you business...and that is talking to new people, finding new customers, and finding new partners that may help you build your business... How serious are you? Don't let these "5 Killers' kill your work at home careful of the "Pests of Poor Business habits" that can invade your home business..and they are lurking in your home and you may not even be aware of it! Call the Pest Control!!! Call ORKIN! case you have not noticed...

(The word ORKIN is found right in the middle of the word WORKING) And that is called a CLUE!!!!!!!!!!!
doug firebaugh / PassionFire Intl
(c) 2005 / all rights reserved




Is One Hiding Behind Your MLM Program?
Leonard W. Clements =

Pyramid, Ponzi and investment schemes disguised as legitimate MLM programs continue to flood the U.S. market. But unlike their predecessors, they're hiding their true nature better than ever. Many quasi-pyramids and money games today are taking great advantage of the ignorance of most people as to what constitutes an illegal pyramid. Please understand, I do not use the term "ignorance" derogatorily.

The term comes from the word "ignore" and many of us are simply ignoring a few basic, simple facts that make up a composite of a typical pyramid or other such scheme. Also, understand that I am not anattorney, an attorney general, or a postal inspector. But I know what questions they ask - and so should you! Also, as I describe the legal definitions of these various kinds ofschemes I'm going to use plain English. For example, where the proper legal language might refer to the payment of "consideration," that being anything from gold dust to chickens, I'm going to assume that it's safe to just say money.

If you want all the verbose legalese, call a lawyer.
Let's start with the ol' classic - the Pyramid Scheme.
By definition, a Pyramid Scheme is one where there is some kind of direct financial reward for the act of recruiting another person into the scheme. A blatant pyramid scheme would involve no product at all. You simply pay a chunk of cash to play, and hope you recruit enough others to cash out, usuallyfor several times what you originally invested.

The roots of most pyramid/MLM law is founded on the Amway vs. FTCdecision in 1979. Perhaps the single most defining characteristic of a legal network marketing company vs. an illegal pyramid scheme came from these hearings. Essentially, the question was asked... "Can the last person in still make money?"

Obviously, the last person in a pyramid scheme will never make a dime. But if you were the very last person to ever sign up as a distributor for Amway, or any number of other legal MLM operations, could you still make money? Of course. By buying the product at wholesale and selling it at retail. The last person in, with no recruiting, can still make money.
If you were the last person to sign up in your MLM program, could you reasonable expect to be able to mark up the product or service and resell it to an end user?

That is, someone who only wants the product or service? Are you, and your downline distributors buying the products because you genuinely want them, or are most of the distributors making token purchases simply to satisfy a quota in the compensation plan? Having real products of value to an end user is a key element of a legal MLM enterprise.
Having said that, one of the most common, and least accurate questions you can ask in determining if something's a pyramid scheme is simply asking, "Is there a product."

Almost every pyramid out there today has thrown in some kind of token product knowing you'll ask that question. Some extremists will go so far as to tell us that the "service" they provide in exchange for your fee is their administration of the intake and outgo ofcash. Some will claim you are paying to have your name added to a mailing list. Of course, the typical chain letter leads you to believe you are paying for a report of some kind. However,there are literally dozens of schemes out there that are not nearly as obvious. Some offer what appears to be an abundance of bona fide, tangible products. But again, the focus should be on value and motive.

One of the best examples I can recall was a program called The Ultimate Money Machine. For $350.00 you were to receive such items as luggage, a 35mm camera, and a seminar on cassette tape valued at, of course, hundreds of dollars. Well, the camera was a cheap, plastic job that probably had a value of less than $10.00, and the luggage you unrolled from a tube. Total cost to the company for all of these products was probably less than twenty bucks!

A program called Euro-Round required a $100.00 payment in exchange for nothing. Later, to "make the program legal," they added alittle book. Schemes like Investor's International, Common Wealth, Global Prosperity, Delphin, and it's various other incarnations, would have you buy some literature and a few cassette tapes, with a material cost of around ten to twenty bucks, for usually about $1,250. There rationalization is that "Information is priceless!" Okay. Let's (reluctantly) give them that. But such schemes usually withhold a larger and larger portion of your income to qualify you in subsequent stages, or cycles, and these funds are allegedly for the purchase of, usually, a live seminar on some Caribbean island.

At the top stage you might end up paying as much as $100,000 for a seven day seminar in Belieze. It better be catered! A few companies today still offer product vouchers or certificates that can be spent on items out of a catalog or from variouslocal merchants. They are actually only offering the funds to purchase these products. There is usually a commission paid once the certificate is purchased, even if it is never redeemed. The result? Nothing but paper, most of it cash, being exchanged. There is a great deal of recent legal precedent in this area.

The upline should never be paid out of any kind of down payment, layaway, voucher purchase, or any other similar transaction that does not involve an immediate acquisition of a product or service of value. In other words, no one should get paid until an actual product gets shipped.

As to "motive," again, are you and others buying the product because you want that product or can sell thatproduct, or are you buying it because you have to to make money? For example, if a company pays commissions on sales aids or distributor training, which several are doing as of thiswriting, this creates a legal vulnerability. Obviously, you can't mark up a product brochure, distributor manual, or distributor training course, and resell it to someone who's not a distributor.

Obviously, you would never have purchased any of these items if you weren't a distributor yourself. These are sources of income that can only be derived from recruiting because recruits are the only ones that would ever purchase them.
So don't just ask if there is a product involved. Question whether the product is even close to being worth the overall price paid. You don't have to be an economics genius to know the answer. Just ask yourself this question: "Would anyone realistically ever purchase this product or servicewithout participating in the income opportunity?"

Thousands of people purchase products from such companies as Nu Skin, Watkins, Herbalife and Amway every day without becoming distributors. They just want the product. This is true for most of the MLM companies out there. But certainly not all. So, now how exciting is that big ad you just saw that boasted "NO SELLING!" Consider it a big red flag.

Now let's discuss Ponzi Schemes. First of all, no, a Ponzi is not the same thing as a Pyramid, although Ponzis are often referred to as a pyramid. In a pyramid scheme, you pay in X, the pyramid promoters keep, let's say, 20% of X and use the other 80% to pay all those who "cash out." Not unlike legitimate MLM operations, a distributor can earn far in excess of what theypersonally paid in, but the MLM company itself never pays out much more than 40-50% of every wholesale dollar that comes in.

In a Ponzi scheme, you pay X to the promoter who promises that you will receive a certain specific return, say 2X (twice your investment) back in a few days. The promoter accomplishes this by finding another sucker who'll buy into the same promise, and he then uses the second suckers investment to pay off the first's.

As an example, let's use Carlo Ponzi himself. Back in the early 1920's, Ponzi offered a $1,500 return on a $1,000 investment. When sucker A paid him $1,000, he then got sucker B to believe the same pitch and invest another $1,000, then took $500 from B's money to add to A's original investment, and paid A back his $1,500! Of course, a modest "service charge" was retained by Ponzi. With only $500of B's investment still in hand, Ponzi now needed to find sucker C so he'd have another $1,000 to add to the $500 he already had, and then pay sucker B his promised $1,500.Now, he had to find yet two more suckers to have the funds to pay off sucker C. And so on, and so on.

Ponzi accumulated millions. He died a penniless ex-con.
Ask yourself this question about the program you are evaluating: "If all recruiting stopped today, would this company still be able to pay monthly commissions in the months ahead?" Although there may be no pyramidal hierarchy involved, a Ponzi Scheme does involve the need for a never ending flow of new participants making the initial investment. This also falls, once again, on the value of the products. If not one new person is ever again enrolled as a distributor, could sales volume realistically continueto move through the organization?

But there's more to consider. Let's say a company has great productsthat people love and would continue to purchase even if they didn't make money. However, for every wholesale dollar they pay to the company, the company pays $1.05 back to the distributor force in commissions and bonuses. In other words, their compensation plan has a 105% pay out! Technically, if they really did pay out more than 100%, this would be a Ponzi Scheme. The company must sell one more product to be able to cover the compensation for the previous sale (otherwise, they'd be 5¢ short). And there are a number of MLM deals today that claim to have such exorbitant pay outs. In reality they most likely do not.

Probably not even close. For example, one MLM program claims a 112% pay out, but the percentage is based on the point value of each product (called BV, or Bonus Value), not on theactually dollar amount - and the BVs average about 68% of wholesale dollars. Another company promotes a 109% pay out, but usually forgets to mention their 75% BV ratio, and thefact that the 60% they pay on the first two levels (15% and 45% respectively) is only on the first $300 purchased by each distributor during the month. The pay 5% on all the volume over that.

Yet another company claims a pay out that actually exceeds 200%! The catch is, they pay a higher percentage on those you personally sponsor, and the pay out they display in their ads is based on the wholly absurd scenario that every single person in your downline is personally sponsored.

So, just because someone says they pay out more that they take in (over 100%), doesn't necessarily mean they are running a Ponzi Scheme. There's very likely a catch. Still, considering state and Federal regulator's penchant for taking on a guilty 'tillproven innocent attitude (they attack first and ask questions later), I'm curious as to why these companies would want to even create the illusion that they are paying outmore than 100%. Why would they even want to pretend they are a Ponzi Scheme?

Lastly, let's discuss "Investment" Schemes. The three regulatory agencies we need to be concerned with the most, from an MLM opportunity stand point, are the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Food & Drug Administration (FDA), and the often underconsidered Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). From a personal, independent contractor stand point, you have the IRS to worry about as well. But that's another article. You'll likely never have to contend with either the FBI or FCC - unless, of course, that "sense of well being" you get from your herbal product is derivedfrom a South American poppy, or you enroll Howard Stern as a distributor.
Getting back to theSEC...

"Securities" are basically things you invest money in, like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, and so on. You have to register the securities you sell with the SEC and you have to have a license to sell them. Skip either step and you might be going away for a little while.

In 1946 (as part of the SEC vs. W.J. Howey Co. decision) the Supreme Court defined an investment contract as one where "...the scheme involves an investment in a common enterprise with profits to come solely from the efforts of others." (The word "scheme" is used here, and throughout this paragraph, in a basic, non-derogatory sense). So, there's three things to consider: First, is theremoney being paid into the scheme (an investment)? Second, are there a lot of other people paying money into the same scheme (a common enterprise)? Note that, so far,every MLM operation appears to meet the first two criteria.

But the third test is where we depart, or should depart, from a security - is the money you make from the scheme derived "solely from the efforts of others?" Well, I don't know about you, but I work my tail off about 50 hours a week building and managing my downline! Sure, your time investment ideally forms a bell shaped curve (part time, then full time, then eventually back to part time), but there should always be a mandatory effort on your part to build, manage and support your organization.

This, of course, does not bode well for schemes (I'm using the negative connotation now) where you pay a "downline building service" to build your downline for you. It appearsto be undebatable that all three aspects of the "Howey test" apply to such a deal. You pay money to the same promoter that many others are, and they openly promise todo all the work for you and you simply sit back and cash the checks. No, there has not been a lot of legal action against such schemes because, well, they have a 100% failure rate all on there own!

In closing, I want to make it clear that this article is not necessarily based on the author's opinion of the way it should be. Much of this discussion is based on years of precedent, not just my laymen's interpretation of the law. It's simply the way it is. For the record, I am a Libertarian. Personally, I believe we, as adults, should be allowed to do what ever we want with our own money as long as there is full disclosure and we are made aware of all the risks involved. We're spending the half our government lets us keep. It's ourmoney! In fact, I'll go so far as to say I personally feel pyramid schemes should be legal.

Not providing full disclosure about the risks and lying about thepotential benefits should be against the law - and, in fact, already are! If all this information is provided, then we should have the right to be stupid with our own money. Having said that, rules are rules. And until someone changes them, we've got to play by them. My soap box is cracking. I'll step down now.

Leonard Clements -






Until you know WHY, the HOW does not matter
Your job as a leader, is to know WHY your people want to succeed in their business
by Dale Calvert Dale =

After 25 years in this industry I have come to one undisputable fact, and that is…The people that make it have STRONG REASONS for making it.I have seen people come into our industry with all the tools, they communicate well, they have credibility with people, they act professional, but they don't accomplish anything significant within the industry.
I have seen others that you would bet would never make it who go on to develop massive organizations and wealth. The difference?

All of the ones that make it have a strong burning desire to change their circumstances in life. The ones that don't make it are usually simply too comfortable. Finish this quote for me; You can have anything in life if you help enough other people __________ ____________ ___________ _________!Zig Ziglar
If you have been around the network marketing industry anytime at all, you knew the last 4 words were "get what they want ". This is probably the most quoted quote within the network marketing industry; you could say it has become the industries battle cry.

Now let me ask you a couple of more questions. Mentally think of the Top 3 potential leaders within your personal organization. Do you have them in your mind? Ok, now I want you to tell me the Top 3 reasons each one of those people are doing the business? When I ask this question in live seminars, the majority of the people in the audience look at me with this blank, spaced out stare, like a deer starring into headlights.
Do you see the challenge?

How can we help others get what they want, when we don't know what it is? Reread this sentence because if you get this, it will make a drastic positive difference in the development of your downline team. People don't care how much we know, until they know how much we care. As network marketing leaders you have to care enough about your people to go the extra mile. You also must be willing to tell them what they NEED to hear, not just what they WANT to hear.

Leaders who immediately try to teach their new team members "How" to do the business before they help them establish their "Why's" simply don't get it. The VERY FIRST assignment you should give to new people is to have them spend a few hours and get in touch with, and write down exactly why they want to build a team.

We developed a couple of simple forms 15 years ago to help new people do just that. We call them a 20 Reasons sheet and a Top 3 reason sheet. The first assignment for new people that join our team was to complete these two sheets. Now, as a leader, I know exactly why people on my team are building their business and I can go to work to help them make those reasons reality. You heard me right, GO TO WORK TO HELP THEM!

When I first started in the network marketing industry my thumb sucking friends and negative family members seemed to constantly ask me the same question. In as sarcastic a voice as they could come up with, they would ask, "How many people do you have working for you now?" They of course wanted to know how many downline members I had.
Regardless, my answer was always the same. I would tell them,You don't understand, they aren't working for me, I am working for them!

You see at age 20 when I joined the MLM Industry and heard Zig Ziglar for the first time, I bought it. I bought the entire philosophy, hook line and sinker. You really can have anything in life you want if you help enough other people get what they want. I am a living example of that concept becoming a reality. When we developed our organization to 60,000 distributors we helped thousands of families across the United States and Canada live better lives. Not just financially but socially, mentally, spiritually, plus experience better health from our products.

Over 100 people on my team made over $100,000 a year, thousands made strong 5 figure incomes and a couple of my downline members even became millionaires. Knowing SPECIFICALLY what the members on your team want is the starting point to great success. You must know exactly WHY they are building a business. UNTIL YOU KNOW WHY, THE HOW DOESN'T MATTER!




Mike Dillard -

The following ad was a very successful pay-per-click ad on Google in 2004 for a $500 training seminar. "(Company name) Reps. Come see how I got 79 sign ups in 90 days without 'calling' anyone." Here is what that ad really says:
"I am an expert. I got 79 sign ups in 90 days. I can help you. This is EASY and FAST. I did it without calling anyone. You do not know how to do this.

I can show you how and make your life easier. Let me ease your pain and help you sponsor more reps."But here is the real kicker: these guys are charging $500-$1,000 to get access to this information, and people are just throwing money at them left and right. The only problem with their system is that it is NOT automated. It is a sales job, and takes too much time away from building their primary program.You are probably struggling to get your prospects to hand over $100-$300 to get started in your business, yet these guys are making a fortune promoting a "how to" course that will show people how to build the floundering business you sold them in the first place!Why?

Because you are only providing a part of the solution the prospect is looking for when you are promoting your business with your current sales tools. You are leaving out the blue prints/system, so they are going somewhere else to buy that, and as you can see, people are willing to pay big bucks for it, VERY MAGNETIC!Now we will look at the typical ad you see put out there by people who do not understand the psychology behind marketing yet.

This is a real ad I pulled from Google: Breaking News (Company), Fastest Growing Team In (Company), Questions? Feel free to call me. www.(xxxxxxxx).comWhat the ad really says: "Another company is launching. We have the best team. Call me." What the average network marketer who reads that ad will think: "Another company is launching. Big deal I have already joined three start-ups in the past, and I am still broke.

"Fastest growing team?" That is what we had last time. My team did not grow fast.Call you with questions? Why so you can pitch me on your "big deal company." No, thanks, I already have one." Did it appeal in any way to the triggers people respond to? Nope! You have to think very carefully about the ads you write because you will get EXACTLY what you ask for!Do you want to attract the bottom feeders looking for "quick and easy," or do you want to attract leaders who know there will be an investment of time, money, and effort involved.

These next few ads promote weakness and attract LAZY people. You will get a high response rate, but you are deceiving yourself."5x9 Matrix With Massive Spillover! Join Today for Only $20! We Do All the Selling For You!""New Company Launch! We Build One Leg for You! Grab Your Position Now!"This next ad is SOOOOO BAD that I truly hope this person stumbles across my book. Use the "so what" rule and see what it reveals.

"MLM Business Opportunity, New Business with Great Products Dare to venture on a New Frontier."And then there was: "Want a Marketing Miracle? Plug into Turnkey Global Marketing For Instant & Long-Lasting Success!Instant and long-lasting? Right. This is the kind of junk you DO NOT want to advertise IF you want to attract real long-term leaders.The next ad is a GOOD AD and variations of it have been used for two-three years now.

The headline sorts people and grabs the type you want to hear from. Line two states a massive benefit/solves a problem. The offer of the ad is a generic report. Lots of value. Provides the SOLUTION to a painful problem: Not enough reps."Attn: Hardworking Network Marketers.

Add 20-30 People Per Week. 5 MLM Secrets Free Report."People know if they are hardworkers or not, so only the people that know you have to work hard to be succcesful will contact you. The numbers in the ad are also very realistic and achievable. On top of that, the person realizes they will probably learn something beneficial from the free secrets and therefore they will be willing to contact you or go to your website.


It is my hope that, if you are not satisfied with your advertising results, you learned something very valuable about how to magnetically attract people to you through your advertising.
From waiting tables to millionaire at 29, Mike Dillard, is a professional marketer who has taught over 100,000 entrepreneurs from around the world how to tap into the power of his attraction marketing attraction techniques. Sign up for his free on-line boot camp at:



===================================================================== BY TIME SALES -

An unnamed person sent this great question to me from my

TIM SALES - website.

A problem I face is: "How would you handle an objection based on not having enough money or time? These are the two I seem to get over and over. Thank you."

You are not the first to hear these objections! Absolutely everyone who has ever done MLM has had to answer these objections from many prospects! These objections are what I call "common objections." Meaning you'll get them frequently. The reason they are common is because they are an "escape" for the prospect.

"Escape" from what?
Getting what they want. I know that seems odd - but it's the truth.
Let me explain this better.
By the way, this is fully explained with examples in my website .

I highly recommend you study the section on handling objections. You are at such a disadvantage if you don't fully know this information.

Envision this…your prospect has something they want or need - more time, more money, a boat, a plane, new golf clubs, etc. Why is it a "want" or a "need" to them? Because they don't have it yet. Why don't they have it? Because they can't get it on their own - obviously so, otherwise they'd have it! They need someone to help them get it.

This is where it gets very interesting…read closely!
The "escape" they've used before (to themselves and others) is "I don't have ______." The blank is filled in with some "phrase" that has always given them an escape because truthfully they don't believe they can GET WHAT THEY WANT.

Since this seems a little weird, let me give you an example (unrelated to MLM). I was helping a company write a post card ad for their personal fitness training business. They were trying to get new clients. I asked several questions and finally came up with this ad:

"Sure you can get in shape on your own…but why haven't you? Admit you need help! Whether its knowledge or discipline, something is obviously missing otherwise you'd have the body you want. Let me help you."

You see, a person who "wants" to get in shape "pretends they don't need help." But they OBVIOUSLY DO! A person "getting" in shape is at the gym!

Now let me bring it back to MLM. A prospect says (in her mind as well as to you) that she wants a brand new car.

Truthfully she doesn't really believe she can get it and she has proof she can't get it - because THERE'S NO NEW CAR IN THE DRIVE WAY!

This lack of belief is what causes prospects to state something like, "I don't have time."

When I was brand new in my M.L.M business, I brought a prospect to an opportunity meeting where the speaker was making $40,000 per month. After the meeting I asked Jim if he was ready to get started and he said, "I don't have the time." That was the strangest thing I'd ever heard. Why was it that he HAD time to make $1500 a month, but he DIDN'T HAVE the time to make $40,000 a month?

That mystery is what caused me to realize that "no time" or "no money" are not the real objections. Because if a person really believed they could make $40,000 a month they would ATTACK THE BUSINESS.

I was recently at a live event and someone came up to talk to me after I spoke and was telling me why they couldn't make the business work. All her problems had to do with not being able to properly talk with her prospects. I gave her some verbal solutions and she replied, "Wow that makes a lot of sense." I then told her about Professional Inviter, which teaches network marketers exactly how to effectively talk with prospects. Guess what she said to me? "I don't have the money."

Now…does she really believe she can learn to do the business? No! For the cost of a shirt or two in her closet she could solve the reason she's failing in M.L.M. Instead she would rather use her escape.

See how it works?

So, the way you REALLY handle the objection is follow the objection handling remedy in Professional Inviter:1. Listen completely through the question/objection.

2. Confirm understanding.

3. Make the question or objection valid to the prospect.

4. Handle or facilitate handling Questions and/or Objections.

5. Complete the handling and return to the previous step of
the Inviting formula
The absolute key is step

4. You do everything you can to FACILITATE handling the objection; instead of handling it for them. The prospect is one who decided on their escape - only they can remove it.
If you want to hear exactly how this is done, listen to the live call I did with the lady named Tish


She has the objection of Time and I handle the objection - then facilitate her getting over the objections by asking her key questions. Thank you for sending me your question; I consider it quite a compliment!

Tim Sales =





Grow Your Downline - Even When Your Upline Won't Help
By Lisa Young -

14% of the US population has, at one time or another, participated in some form of Direct Sales/MLM company. If you're new to the program, and if your upline is not readily available to you, you may be struggling with figuring out the best way to build your team in the first place. Here are a few suggestions to help you move forward:

1. Take advantage of your company. Your company may have a fast start program that will allow you to build your starter kit at little or no cost during your first few months in the business. If you are focused and goal oriented, take advantage of these opportunities to let your company pay for your products when at all possible. Keep in mind that programs like these are designed to challenge you, and may be a bit difficult to achieve. If so, don't panic. Do what you can. Remember, you got into this business because it's YOUR business. You have to set your goals based on what you CAN do, not what your company wants you to do.

2. Set a realistic goal in your mind for achieving your first level of leadership. It is not uncommon, based on average company statistics to achieve the first level of leadership in most direct sales companies in 6 months or less. This is not a hard and fast rule, however. A typical first level promotion involves approximately 6-10 recruits, which means you'd have to recruit an average of 1-2 people per month - and they would have to stay active.

Realistically assess what you are capable of doing from a recruiting and training standpoint BEFORE you set your goal to promote in 2 months' time. In most cases, it's better to take your time and build your team at a steady rate rather than recruit everyone you need in one month, only to lose them 3 months later when they all go inactive. Rome was not built in a day, so give yourself enough time. The important thing is to stick to it. If you stay with it long enough, it will blossom for you.

3. Keep an eye on your recruits. Know what they are doing. Encourage them and keep in touch. Use contact sheets to know what's going on in their lives. The more they know that you care, the more they will care about you and your goals in general. Stay in touch with your personal recruits via letter or phone to make sure things are progressing and that they stay active and prospering. Your success as a leader depends on the success of your personal recruits. If they are having trouble, help them out; share your success methods.

4. Never stop looking. Always have your eyes open to possible new recruits. That is not to say that everyone is your prospect, but just because you're having a nice dinner with your significant other is no reason to ignore the waiter that could be your next leader! Your job is to make sure that you keep a vigorous, active team of personal recruits. If someone becomes inactive, or worse yet, never starts, don't fret. Some people just never will do anything. If that's the case, focus on your next personal recruit and never rest on your laurels. This is your earnings and your future. You owe it to yourself and your team to keep an open mind and an open eye out for your next candidate.

5. Keep learning and keep teaching. Most Direct Sales/MLM companies have methods available to help train you how to promote their products. If these are available, by all means use them, attend the seminars and the like. They are generally well worth the money and time. Remember to look beyond your company for training as well. Marketing and Sales training is very important if you want to run your business like a business. Don't expect to become "big business" successful if you continue to run your operation like a hobby. Get organized, stay organized (to the best of your ability) and learn how to be the best in your business. Then pass that knowledge on to your team.

6. Don't milk your team. Some companies create training materials to sell to your downline. Some trainers make more money off the training materials that their recruits buy than the sale of product or the recruiting residuals. There's something fishy about that to me (and in some instances, it is illegal). If you can't make a living without a downline to sell training materials to, you just might be in the wrong business.

7. Don't try to recruit the whole world! Most people try to "fight" the basic MLM fundamental truth: Only a few! The world is NOT your warm market, and everyone is NOT your prospect. The sooner you learn to understand concepts like target market and niche market, the sooner you will alleviate half of your recruiting phobias. It's not about harassing someone with a dream. Recruiting happens when you present people with the education they need to make what I call "an affirmative buying decision".

Most of the time, if they were receptive in the first place, they will make an affirmative buying decision in your favor. Learn to make your prospective recruit's priorities your own. When you see the world through their eyes and help them make the decision that's best for them (even if it means NOT joining your company), your credibility soars and your business will flourish.

These tips are not always the easiest ideas to implement, but they are truths that will serve you well. Apply them and watch your business grow to new heights - even if your upline isn't very helpful.
..> ..>

Lisa Young researches marketing trends and tactics for the home party plan industry, particularly internet-based marketing strategies. Lisa has nearly 10 years in the Direct Sales field both as an independent consultant and trainer. Her FREE business boosting newsletter, "PartyOn!" is filled with tips, tricks and tactics for increasing booking and recruit leads. You can sign up or learn more at

" Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successfull."
Albert Schweitzer
1875 - 1965


Great quotes from great Leaders
By Peggy Anderson =

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
Benjamin Franklin
1706 - 1790

Success is not final,failure is not fatal:
It is courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill
1871 - 1965

" The boisterous sea of liberty is never without a wave "
Thomas Jefferson
1743 - 1826

" Be courteous to all, but intimate with few,
and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence"
George Washington
1732 - 1799

" Love is the only force capable of trnsforming an enemy to a friend "
Martin Luther King
1929 - 1968

" If you dream it, youcan do it"
Walt Disney
1901 - 1966

" The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. "
Abraham Lincoln
1809 - 1865

" The quality of a persons life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence,
regardless of their chosen feild of endeavour. "
Vince Lombardi
1913 - 1970

" No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. "
Eleanor Rooosevelt
1884 - 1962

" A people that values its priviledges above its principles soon looses both ."
Dwight Eishenhower
1890 - 1969

" As we let our lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission
to do the same. "
Nelson Mandela
1918 -

" Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character. "
Albert Einstein
1879 - 1955

" Life without learning is always in peril; learning without liberty is always in vain "
John F. Kennedy
1917 - 1963

" We must be the change we want to see in the world "
Mahatma Ghandi
1868 - 1948

" The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched , but are felt in the
heart. "
Hellen Keller
1880 - 1968

" Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
Henry Ford
1863 - 1947

" Recession is when a neigbour looses his job. Depression is when you loose yours."
Ronald Reagan
1911 - 2004

" The worst prison would be a closed heart ."
Pope John Paul The 2nd

" To reach a port, we must sail -
sail, not tie at anchor -
sail, not drift."
Franklin Roosevelt
1882 - 1945

" If a man does his best, what else is there ? "
George S. Patton
1885 - 1945

" There are two ways of exerting one's strength; one is pushing down , the other one is
pulling up."
Booker T. Washington
1856 - 1915

" Do what you can, with what you have , where you are."
Theodore Roosevelt
1858 - 1919

" Success is not the key to happiness.
Happiness is the key to success.
If you love what you are doing,
you will be successfull."
Albert Schweitzer
1875 - 1965

" It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit."
Harry S. Truman
1884 - 1972

" In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa
1910 - 1997



Affiliate Marketers: Should You Promote that Product?
By Rosalind Gardner =

As a 'super affiliate', I set stiff criteria for how and when I choose to promote products, especially products available within the Internet and affiliate marketing niche. First, I rarely participate in the 'big' product launches anymore, as many of those products (and their producers) have gone the way of the dodo bird.Stephen Ducharme is only one example.

Do a search for his name today and in the top results are an article by Damon Zaharides titled "Stephen Ducharme Belly Flop" and a thread in Michael Green's How To Corp forum "Screw Stephen Ducharme Over". People were that mad at him for selling them a pack o' lies. Marketers who promoted his product had to do some seriousback-pedaling to regain their subscribers' trust.However, breaking a trust is like breaking a porcelain container.

You can glue it back together, but the cracks will always show and it may never again hold water.Do you want to lose subscribers or your reputation as an honest broker?I thought not.To protect your reputation, and more importantly, do right by your customers, here are my top 6 criteria for choosing products to promote.Reputable Merchant. If Yanik Silver or Anik Singal tells me that they have a new product available, I know my customers will be properly treated and respected.

These merchants have built their reputations based on quality products and excellent customer service, i.e. sound business principles.Likewise, there are merchants within your niche with whom you have worked that can be trusted without question.If you do not know a merchant, research their reputation online. Review and test their sites for attractiveness, usability and customer service responsiveness.

If you have any doubts regarding their reputation, do not promote the product. Relevant High-Quality Product. Regardless of whether or not you know a merchant, review the product for quality and relevance. Will it benefit your subscribers in their work? Does it fulfill the promise made in the sales letter? Do all the features work?If you are unable to review the product, tell your subscriber that is the case, and explain why you feel confident to recommend the product without review.

Remind them that the product comes with a guarantee if they are not satisfied.Reasonable Price. I hate the price gouging that goes on the Internet as much as anyone. If there is an existing product of similar quality available at a lower price, I do not recommend that you promote the new product. In fact, you may want to take the opportunity to do a comparative review ending with a recommendation for the lower-priced product.Low-Hype Sales Tactics. Sales letters for good products do not scream ridiculous promises.

Regardless of merchant reputation or product quality, I recommend that you not promote products that make use of excessive hype or if the product name implies that users will achieve extraordinary results.

There is a big difference between 'How I Made X (Reasonable Sum) in One Year" and "Make X Million in X Minutes".
Moreover, you do not want to make surfers more skeptical than they already are.Limit Choice to Prevent Confusion. There are a million "How to Build an Online Business" books, courses and tutorials available, yet I choose to promote only a few.Each of those that I promote is markedly different from the others in both price and content.

One might be available only online at a nice low price, while the other is a comprehensive physical product that includes manuals, DVD's and CD recordings.Do not promote a new product simply because it is new. Stick to the tried and true to build your reputation as a consistent and dependable marketer.High Commission.

Finally, yet importantly, you need to determine whether the commission rate is acceptable.Do not promote products for merchants who pay less than the going rate. For example, the standard commission rate for a conference seat is around 25%, while outstanding JV partners are offered between 33 and 50%. A merchant that pays 10% is just plain stingy. Do not reward greedy merchants. Work to become an outstanding JV partner for amerchant who respects your effort.

Use these strategies to guide your decisions every time you have the option to promote a new product. Your efforts will build and maintain your reputation as an 'honest broker' and frankly, nothing is more important to staying in business than your good reputation.Author, speaker and consultant Rosalind Gardner is recognized worldwide as an affiliate marketing expert. Find out how you too can become a Super Affiliate at Rosalind's free site, =



The Power Of Residual Income
By Wayne A Tully

Residual income online is the best source of income you can earn and it's regular and reliable too, but how do you build this seemingly elusive type of income, well there are many ways to do this and some are easier than others and some can be incorporated into your marketing campaigns that you may have already set up in a blog or a website, adsense is a form of recurring revenue that you can build online through placing ad code from google adsense, but there are manyalternatives to adsense that you can place on your sites.

Another popular way of building residual income online is to build a membership site catered towards a niche market that you know a lot about and can relay high quality information in the form of ebooks and bonus reports and the members pay you a monthly fee each and every month for this informational content you will provide, and if you expand into sub niches related to your main niche you will gain high credibility in your subject area.

Membership sites can be quite lucrative if done right and especially if you find other Joint Venture partners in the same subject area and swap autoresponder addresses so that you have access to their subscriber lists and can therefore leverage each others lists and resources, this is what any company does, even offline in the real world, they join forces with the other companies sales force and market together so that they become stronger by business to business leverage.

Remember when you surpass your initial costs of running your membership site, webhost costs, autoresponder etc, you are deemed as successful, but don't always stop marketing your member site because if you stop then the new members stop and that's what you want more of to sustain your recurring profit.Other forms of recurring or residual income are actual websites you can join for free such as Daily Pay and SFI, these have residual pay within the business opportunities, and they have other forms of earning income added to the product and services list.

Always in online business some form of residual income should be sought to surround your business in a passive income net, so that reliable profit is gained from your business marketing activities, and then you can concentrate on your own products and online business knowing that you have some residual income to fall back on.

Wayne Tully an artist, writer and affiliate marketer who does many online business ventures and earns a reasonable income online as a result.


" As we let our lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. "
Nelson Mandela 1918 -




Appreciating "Difficult" People
By Mike Robbins =

Are there people in your life, on your team, and/or with whom you interact regularly that get on your nerves? Have you ever found yourself wanting to yell at the top of your lungs, "Knock it off, I can't stand you?" If so, you are not alone…welcome to being human! One of most challenging aspects of being human, living and working with others, creating personal success, and developing a championship team around us is dealing with the people we consider "difficult" (or other, less polite adjectives).

Have you ever stopped to think about what you appreciate about these difficult people? Most often, we don't. We spend a good amount of time thinking about, talking about, and gathering more "evidence" for why someone is a "jerk"
and/or what we don't like about him or her. However, these "difficult" people in our lives are actually great teachers and reminders for us. They often teach us important lessons about life and about ourselves.

They also remind us to be more patient and accepting, and they force us to live true to the principles many of us say are most important – kindness, love, acceptance, forgiveness, respect, and others.It is easy to appreciate people we like, the ones who agree with us and do things the way we do. The bigger challenge is being able to appreciate those who are different than we are, who disagree with us, and even those who get on our nerves or annoy us.

Think about it for minute, don't you often learn a great deal from some of those"difficult" people? Also, do you think your chances of success and fulfillment would be enhanced if you were able to more effectively deal with "difficult" people? For most of us, the answer both of thesequestions is YES!When we take the time to appreciate the "difficult" people around us, some amazing things happen.

First of all, we find that there are actually many things we do appreciate about them. (Remember, we always find what we look for).

Second, we allow ourselves to be open to the lessons these people have to teach us.

Third, we let go of the unnecessary stress and frustration that comes along with constantly being irritated by another person. When we are willing to look for good stuff, even in these "difficult" people, we tap into the amazing power of appreciation. Appreciation allows us to greatly increase our own personal success and fulfillment, and it dramatically improves the environment around us as well.

Think of the three most "difficult" people in your life. Write their names down on a piece of paper. Next to each name, write at least three things you appreciate about them. For some, it may take a while,for others it will be much easier.
You may find that once you start,there are lots of things you appreciate about them.

Next time you think about, talk about and/or interact with these people, see if you can put more of your attention on the things you appreciate about them (what you wrote on your list and more), and less attention on the things that you don't like.If you are up to it and you are ready to have a real
"breakthrough" inyour relationship with these "difficult" people, I CHALLENGE you to let each of them know what you appreciate about them.

Give them a call, write them a note, or talk to them face-to-face and acknowledge them. When you have the courage to genuinely communicate your appreciation, especially to these specific people, I promise you it will have powerful results – for them and for you. Have fun with this…and, if you want, let me know how it goes. I look forward to hearing the good news!


" Life without learning is always in peril; learning without libertyis always in vain "
John F. Kennedy 1917 - 1963


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Appreciate People for No Reason
By Mike Robbins =

We can either appreciate people in a re-active way (after they've done something we like or accomplished something important), or we can appreciate them in a pro-active way (for who they are, qualities they have, because we care about them and/or we want to empower them). Both of these types of appreciation are important, but pro-active appreciation is vital to the creation of extraordinary relationships and teams.

Sadly, many of us are either not very good at pro-active appreciation or we simply don't take the time to pro-actively acknowledge the people around us.Appreciating people for "no reason" is the ultimate form of pro-active appreciation. I first learned the importance and power of this from my wife, Michelle. When we first started dating, Michelle sat me down and gave me a long list of things she liked and didn't like. She was very straight forward about it, which I appreciated.

It was like a"cheat sheet" to making her happy and a road map for me to navigate in our relationship. I was grateful for this information. One small thing that Michelle mentioned to me in that conversation stuck out. She said, "I really like flowers. But, I especially like flowers for no reason.""What do you mean no reason?" I asked. To me there were only three reasons to buy flowers for a woman,

1) her birthday,

2) Valentine'sDay, and

3) if I did something stupid and needed to apologize.

These were the only reasons I had ever bought flowers for a woman in my life.Michelle said, "Buying me flowers for no specific reason at all, just because you are thinking about me, just because you love me, will make me very happy."A week or so later I saw a flower stand and decided to try this out. Not really sure what her reaction would be, I bought Michelle some flowers, "for no reason," and brought them to her apartment.

I gave her the flowers and she loved it. I mean, she really loved it. She got so excited—her face lit up, she smiled and actually started jumping up and down. It was wonderful to see her so happy. Because she expressed her appreciation so visibly and so immediately, I found myself searching for flowers wherever I went so that I could bring them to her and make her happy.

I began buying her flowers, "for no reason," all the time. She appreciated the flowers and me so much, and as a result she got more of what she wanted. To this day, I getflowers for Michelle (for no reason) on a regular basis. She"trained" me with her positive reaction and it ended up being a true win-win in our relationship. We don't need to wait for the "right time" or the "appropriate moment"to tell someone we love them, what they mean to us, or how much weappreciate them.

Sadly, it sometimes takes life smacking us with a "two-by-four" to the head (aka a death, accident, tragedy, etc.) for us to really stop and take inventory of what and who is truly important to us. However, if we look around and pay attention to the people in our lives, we can appreciate each and every one of them for no reason at all, just because we care about them and they are important to us.Make a list of 5 or more people in your life.

Over the next few days , pick up the phone, send them an email, and/or talk to each them in person. Let them know what you appreciate about them and do it "for no reason." Have fun and watch how excited they get!

" In this life we cannot always do great things.But we can do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa 1910 - 1997



BY Deagan Smith =

I will tell you bluntly . . . If you focus and act on the little known principle you're about to uncover it can not only turn you into the type of person prospects chase after and join, but can and will literally be the foundation of you creating a personal fortune.At first glance you may think you have nothing in common with either Dennis Rodman orMichael Jackson. At second glance you'd think surely the success of your network marketing business can have nothing to do with either of theabove characters.

But you're dead wrong. Michael Jackson and Dennis Rodman both have a trick up there sleeve that they've mastered to amass fortunes well outside of the rangeof just their chosen profession. In fact, it's a secret that few are even aware of, little to no one uses, but for those who do they get paid handsomely.When you think about Michael Jackson do you think about the music or do you think aboutthe crazy character that looks almost nonhuman?

When you think about Dennis Rodman do youthink about a basketball star who was a good rebounder or the crazy guy with rainbow colored hair?Both Michael Jackson and Dennis Rodman are more than just talented they're moguls. They're larger than life. They're media magnets.Why?It's simple and if you can just understand and incorporate this one thing I'm about to tell you into your business you'll more than double your business, have people search you out, and you'll stand alone in the eyes of your prospects in such a way that they will literally jump through hoops to get at you.

Michael Jackson and Dennis Rodman command great income because of their talent, but exponentially greater income because they both understand the value of being different. They've both proactively found ways to make themselves stand out from the crowd and haveworked on it to the point where their characters outshined their talents You're probably saying "It can't be that simple."But it is.

Now I want you to turn around and look at yourself. Do you stand out or are you jus tlike everyone else?If you don't find ways to make yourself standout you'll always be stuck in between having a good business and an insanely profitable one.Why?People are naturally attracted to characters that are controversial, that are different.

It's a way to literally stand out and command a larger income without being any better than the next guy. That's right, you don't even have to be better. You'll DO better just cause your different. Dennis Rodman got paid a huge amount to play basketball, but it wasn't because he was agreat all round basketball player, it wasbecause his character drew a massive crowd. His antics made some angery, and others loved him, but they ALL watched and that's the secret.

That's the thing THEY don't get. Regardless of whether or not you liked Dennis Rodman as a basketball player or not you watched because you had to see what he was gonna do next. Once you master that you win no matter what.You see . . .If you're different you're better. Forget about saying the right thing all the time, just take a stand, be you and don't apologize for it. Don't be afraid to go out a limb, that's what they tune in for.Sure you'll make some people mad, but sowhat.

You'll draw in the prospects that get you like a moth to a flame and that's all that matters. So I know you're wondering "How?" How do I BE different? I can't answer that, only you can. How do get them to tune in is a different question, and you'll find the answer no where else in the world but here:

To the top,
Daegan Smith =

"The King Of Never Calling A Single Lead"


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Here are seven Self-Motivator reminders for you to review on a regular basis.

1 - Get Serious. Make a decision to go all the way to the top. Up to now you've thought about it. Up to now, it's passed your mind. Many of you made the decision, and you've made up your mind to go all the way to the top, and your lives have taken off. It's the most extraordinary thing. Your life is one, like in the shadow going up the dark side of the hill until the moment you decide that "I'm gong to be the best at what I do. I'm going to be in the top 10 percent." And suddenly you rose into the sunshine, and your life is forever after different - wonderful. Get serious. Don't fool around anymore.

2 - Identify Your Limiting Step to Sales Success. What's your limiting step? What's the one skill area that's holding you back? What's the skill? What's the quality? What's the action? Ask other people. Find out what you need to become good at. Sometimes it may be only one skill. If you became really, really good on the telephone, you could maybe double your prospecting effectiveness and double your sales. If you became very, very good at getting the order at the end from qualified prospects, you could double your sales. If you became very, very good at managing your time to really, really manage your time well, you may be able to double your presentations and double your income. If you were more encouraging perhaps people would gravitate to you and follow your lead better doubling your income. Find out what's holding you back. What is the critical limiting step that's determining your success today?

3 - Get Around the Right People. Who are the right people? The right people are the people in this voice room. Get around winners. Get around positive people. Get around people with goals and plans, people who are going somewhere with their lives and have high aspirations. Get around eagles. As Zig says, "You can't scratch with the turkeys if you want to fly with the eagles." And get away from negative people. Get away from toxic people that complain and whine and moan all the time. Who needs them? Life is too short.

4 - Take Excellent Care of Your Health. Take excellent care of your physical health. That means good diet, good exercise. Everybody knows they should eat better foods, get regular exercise and especially lots of rest. That's very important. Get a good night's sleep. Be fully rested, and tonight get really rested. You don't have to watch the Letterman Show…

5 - Positive Visualization. See yourself as the very best in your field. Remember, all improvement in your life begins with an improvement in your mental pictures. Visualize yourself, see yourself as the best continually. You are the best. Isn't that right? So therefore, see yourself as the best.

6 - Positive Self-Talk. Talk to yourself positively all the time. Control your inner dialogue. And what do you say to yourself? Say, "I'm the best." Say it. Say I'm the best. I like myself. I can do it. I love my work. Yes, that's how you talk to yourself. And the more you say it to yourself…someone may say, "Well, what if you say those things to yourself and you don't believe them. Isn't that lying to yourself?" No, that's not lying to yourself. It's telling the truth in advance. Because it doesn't matter where you're coming from - all that matters is where you're going. Talk to yourself the way you want to be, not the way you just happen to be at this moment. Remember, you may have gotten where you are today largely by accident. But where you're going in the future is purely by design.

7 - Positive Action. Get going. Move fast. Develop a sense of urgency. A sense of urgency is the one thing that you can develop that will separate you from everyone else in your field. Develop a bias for action. When you get a good idea, do it now. Only 2% of people in our society have a bias for action. And if you're already in the top 10%, you can move yourself in the top 2% by resolving that whenever you have an idea or something, do it now. And the faster you move, the better you get. And the better you get, the more you like yourself. And the more you like yourself, the higher your self-esteem is. And the higher your self-esteem is, the greater your self-discipline. And the more you persist, then you ultimately become unstoppable.




MLM Doesn't Mean Most Lose
MoneyBy Scott Miller =

You've probably heard it before, MLM, most lose money. The sad fact is that a lot of people never make any money in MLM, but the industry isn't always to blame. I was an MLM failure for many years, but it was my own fault, and if the masses of MLM failures would ever really look at their own performance, they would admit it too.

Most people have been trained to become employees. Go to school, get good grades and get a good job. Who hasn't heard that more than a hundred times? If we're honest, who hasn't said those very words to their own children? What does go to school etc. really get you?You work for somebody else for
years building their dream, helping them become successful. That's why so many people eventually turn to MLM for a better life. So why do so many people fail?

1. Unrealistic expectations - Many people work hard all of their lives and never become successful, but as soon as they join an MLM company they expect to become a huge success overnight. It just isn't going to happen. After a few weeks when they haven't already become wealthy or achieved unbelievable MLM success, they quit. Do they ever look in the mirror and blame themselves? No way. They scream for all to hear, MLM doesn't work! What they fail to say is that they didn't work.

2. No MLM training - The industry deserves a black eye for this one. Most people get the "go get 'em tiger" training package. Company training is usually inadequate. Leaders in most companies are so focused on their own ego they spend more time building themselves up, and very little time actually caring about the very people that they promise to help.

So how can you become successful? Do not expect to get rich quick. So many MLM companies and distributors have been preaching the "you can make a fortune with very little work" message for so long that they have caused their own demise.Realize that the most important factor in your success is overlooked by almost everyone. The person you decide to become involved with is more important than anything else.

If you make the right decision and find somebody that has not only become successful, but somebody that has taught others how to become successful, you increase your chance for success dramatically.Choose your upline wisely. Find out if you really want to have a long-term business relationship with them.

Then make the decision to ignore negative people in your life and follow the leader that you have chosen. MLM success may not be easy, but it's a whole lot easier than giving up your entire life building somebody else's dreams.



Performing Well Under Pressure
By Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. =

Does the intense pressure of competition cause you to lose control of your emotions and composure? If you said yes, you are in good company. Even world class athletes let the pressure sink them. Case in point: Jean Van de Velde choked away a big lead on the last hole of the 1999 British Open. It happens every day in sports from youth soccer to professional sports.

European Order of Merit leader Justin Rose confessed that he used to let the pressure of big events affect him mentally. He was not in control of his emotions and physical reactions to pressure as he used to "shake like a leaf." But Rose was able to overcome this with maturity and experience. He recently won the Volvo Masters and clinched the Order of Merit. When asked about the pressure he feels to win when in a good position to win, he said:

"Obviously, I was feeling it [pressure] out there, but I think this year's been so much more comfortable on the golf course. I'm not out there shaking like a leaf anymore. I'm out there pretty calm, pretty collected. I feel like I'm in control."
My friend and past mentor, Dr. Ken Ravizza, who was my featured speaker at the 2007 Peaksports Bootcamp, instilled a simple but fundamental statement to his students: "You must control your emotions before you can control your performance. If you're spinning out of control, you just can't control your performance."

Rose has been able to master his emotions under pressure. However, even with greater emotional control, it's not a cakewalk. "It's still never easy. You've still got to get the ball in the hole and that's obviously not an easy job sometimes. But I'm feeling like I'm in control of my body and in control of my emotions, and that's -- then you can enjoy the occasion," Rose said.

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Some athletes are never able to overcome the pressure of competition. They either burnout or sport no longer becomes fun. You can't have fun when you are shaking like a leaf and afraid to make mistakes. And you can't perform to your true ability in a mindset of fear, intimidation, tentativeness and lack of emotional control.

Rose agrees that it is easier to enjoy the moment when you can cope effectively with the pressure. "I feel like I'm able to enjoy the occasion and enjoy the moment, which is obviously why we play golf. You need to be able to enjoy it down the stretch. Like I said, still never easy but at least I feel like I'm backing myself and at least I feel in control," Rose said.
Mental barriers such as anxiety, fear, frustration, anger, and emotional tantrums block your ability to control your performance and enter the zone. You simply can't perform at top levels or enter the zone unless you learn to stay composed on the inside.

Is composure under pressure a learned mental skill or are you born with the right personality to stay calm and poised when you are in a tight battle for the win? I'm certain that your personality or general disposition has a lot to do with how well you perform under pressure. However, like Justin Rose, you can learn to improve your mental poise beyond just getting more experience.

How do you learn to play with poise and calmness in competition? The first step is to learn how to control the thoughts, beliefs, and self-labels that trigger a lack of poise or control. For example, if you label yourself as a "choker" under pressure, you will certainly live up to the label; it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when you get in competition.

You also have to learn strategies to control your mind and body under pressure. Much of the anxiety and emotions athletes feel come from their strict expectations about results. Anxiety comes from thinking about the consequences of your results – more like the negative consequences of your results such as fear of embarrassment for blowing a big lead. Thus, managing your expectations about the level of your results or performance is very important.

The level of your composure is also influenced by your self-confidence and perception of your ability to rise to the challenge. If you feel over-matched or have doubt about you or your team's ability to win, it's more likely that you will become unglued. Addressing any holes in your confidence will go a long way to helping you boost composure.

Finally, another contributing factor to your composure is how much importance you place on the competition. The more important you perceive the game to be, the more you are invested in the emotional piggy bank -- and the easier it is to lose your poise when not performing well or winning.
Want to learn all my composure-boosting secrets and perform with poise in competition? Jump to The Composed Athlete CD/Workbook program and read more…

True Revolution

If only we could cease giving others reasons to resist our prescence, Bear ourselves with what we burden them, Leaving no reason for blame....Then....that great silent rage hidden in the human heart Would have to be seen for what it is : Violence looking for a war. Such a discovery would awaken within the discerning soul .The immidiate, most intimate need To be the embodiment of peace. This seeing-born need Is the seed of true revolution.

Guy Finley =



Dont Recruit Ducks
By Chad Shapiro =

The first rule of management is this: don't send your ducks to eagle school. Why? Because it won't work. Good people are found not changed. They can change themselves, but you can't change them. You want good people, you have to find them. If you want motivated people, you have to find them, not motivate them. I picked up a magazine not long ago that had a full- page ad in it for a hotel chain.

The first line of the ad read, "We do not teach our people to be nice." Now that got my attention. The second line said, "We hire nice people." I thought, "what a cleaver shortcut!' Motivation is a mystery. Why are some people motivated and some are not? Why does one affiliate start calling prospects at eight in the morning while the other starts much later? Why do some work with urgency and others act like they are getting paid by the hour? I don´t know. Call it "mysteries of the mind." I give trainings online to people all over the world. One logs out and says, "I'm going to change my life."

Another logs out with a yawn and says, "I've heard all this stuff before." Why is that?I say to a thousands of people, "I use to be broke and learned to do things differently, and it brought me to the road to wealth. I put it into video's online go watch them." Guess how many of the thousand go out and study them? Answer: very few. Isn't that incredible? Why wouldn't everyone go watch them 30x over like I did to learn the concepts myself? Mysteries of the mind…To one person, you have to say, "You'd better slow down.

You can't work that many hours, do that many things, go, go, go. You´re going to have a heart attack and die." And to another person, you have to say, "When are you going to get off the couch?" What is the difference? Why wouldn't everyone strive to be wealthy and happy? Chalk it up to mysteries of the mind and don't waste your time trying to turn ducks into eagles. Hire people who already have the motivation and drive to be eagles and then just let them soar.

"Its not what you are that holds you back.Its what you think youre not"
Vic Johnson = =======================================



Hidden Causes Behind The Fear of Failure
By Patrick J. Cohn, Ph.D. =

I use a simple, but very important moto when I work with my golf students - "Leave the golf at the golf course!" Can you forget about your performance after you leave the playing field, court, or course? Do you get upset when you perform poorly and begin to ponder what others think about your game long after the game is over?

One more very important question to ask: Does your success or failure (or your athlete's) in sports on a given day determine how you feel about yourself after you go back to your home or hotel room? Athletes who care deeply about sports success and who spend a lot of time practicing or training often wrongly define themselves through their sport. What do I mean by define themselves through sport? These athletes live and die with every performance - their success and failures define the person.

If they win or perform well, they are happy with themselves as a person. However, if they lose or perform poorly, they are upset, frustrated, and can't stand to look into the mirror when they get home. Sad, but this is true in my work…

One of my students, Erica, played high school golf. Her self-esteem was closely linked with her performance in sports. She would get very emotional on the golf course and very upset after poor rounds. Her feelings of low self-worth stayed with her well after the rounds; she would feel down after the round at home.

Erica made the classic error of defining her self-esteem based on her performance. When she played poorly, she thought that she was not a good golfer and thus not a worthy person. Erica was also very aware of what others thought of her and was constantly wondering how the other players in her group evaluated her game and thus her as a person. This mindset caused a fear of failure when she played.

In addition, Erica needed her playing partners say "good shot" after she hit a good shot. She wanted and needed the support of others to feel confident about her game. She was hypersensitive to what others say and engaged in what I call mind reading. She would make assumptions about what others may or may not be thinking about her game. Her mind reading ultimately affected her self-esteem.

Her mental game issues were classic signs fear of failure, low self-confidence, and attaching her self-worth to her sport success. However, Erica is not an isolated case in my work. Athletes who train all day long – every day or who approach their sports training 24/7 are more likely to define themselves through sports. In fact, this is very common in sports such as gymnastics, skating, swimming, and golf – sports that can fill up your day quickly with practice, training, and competition.

Why is it so difficult for you to leave your performance on the playing field after the game? If you define yourself based on your sports performance, it's tough not to. You might even rely too much on approval from others, recognition, or positive reinforcement for all your hard work. You think approval from others helps you to help yourself feel better.
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Or so you think… This is a huge lie. I think humans have a need for recognition from others, but it becomes unhealthy when you rely too much on what YOU THINK others think about you and thus make assumptions that are not grounded in reality.

Social approval is one of the hidden forces behind the fear of failure in sports. Like Erica's example, many athletes fear not getting the support and admiration of others. These athletes want to feel good about themselves, but for the wrong reasons. They define their self-worth based on what others think or what they presume others might be thinking about them – a concept I introduced earlier called mind reading.
I don't want you to think that I am cruel now… I do have a solution if you (or your child or an athlete you coach) define yourself by your sports performance.

The solution is to look inside at the core of who you really are. Who is the person inside? How do you define the person? The technical word is self-concept. Your s elf-concept is defined by a perception of how you see yourself. Self-concept is closely linked to self-esteem.

A person with high self-esteem views their self-concept positively. A person with low self-esteem views their self-concept negatively. This is an oversimplification, but I think you get the basic idea here. Social approval is more important to athletes who think they need others' acceptance to feel good about themselves as people.

OK, my goal is not to bore you with psychobabble today… But I do want you to be aware of why it's hard to leave the game at the park, feel OK with yourself after a loss, and resume other parts of your life.

Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to define yourself as a person first. You should not view yourself as an "athlete" who happens also to be a person. You are a person who also happens to play sports. This can be a revelation for many athletes who define the person (self-concept) through sports.
Your first task at reducing the negative effects of fear of failure (related to social approval) is to develop unconditional self-respect.

You develop unconditional self-respect or approval by giving yourself the stamp of approval without regard for what you think other may think. You start by looking at the person inside – not the performer or athlete – and define who you are (self-concept). The final step is to accept who you are unconditionally without regard for your success or failure in sports!

In my upcoming teleclass series starting this month, I share my mental strategies for identifying and coping with the fear of failure. If you are looking for a simple and cost-effective solution for coping with fear of failure, this is your best chance! Read more about the Spring 2007 Teleclass series...

One must be an example unto oneself. This is not about other people seeing you do something.
This is about you. Right in the root of that moment of life, seeing it clearly, and then taking the action that you know is true.
Guy Finley =





Do You Want To Feel Good Or Do You Want The Truth About MLM

By Scott Miller =

The truth is such an elusive concept in MLM. The proliferation of MLM Gurus that make a fortune telling people how to build a downline, that have never, ever, actually built a six figure income is staggering.You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! Although that's afamous line from the movie

"A Few Good Men" it applies to so many people who start an MLM business.

When it comes to MLM training most people will tell you what you want to hear instead of telling you what you need to hear.The real truth about MLM Success in MLM, network marketing or a home-based business isn't goingto happen fast enough. Doesn't that concept apply to every aspect of our lives? Doctors don't go to a Junior College for a semester or two and become doctors. Lawyers don't become lawyers in 6 months either.MLM training has become this endless mind game of telling people what they want to hear instead of the real truth about the industry.

You can make a fortune telling people who want to live a better life all this warm and fuzzy stuff that they long to hear, but it won't help them achieve success.Here's an example, all you have to do is make friends with your prospects. Well, if that's all I have to do I'm going to make a fortune. It sounds so easy! The real truth is that you can make friends all you want, but that does not mean that you are ever going to build a real business.Can you imagine telling your employer that you spent all day making friends? Would that work at a car dealership?

Imagine what your boss would say. I see that you spent several hours with that guy, did you sell him a car? No, but he sure is a nice guy! Let me tell you about his family and when he got laid off and when...Please, do not misunderstand what we're saying, yes you do need to build relationships with people that decide to join your business, and while it may make you feel good to build relationships with your prospects, you simply cannot build a business that way. Do they employ that concept at Sears, Wal-Mart, Exxon or Ford?

There are a lot of people who say they want to build a business. I really am serious about changing my life! We have heard that from thousands upon thousands of people over the last decade and more than 80% of those people find an excuse why a home business won't work for them. It's easy to say that you want to change your life, but you really find out how serious somebody is when you tell them what theyhave to do to become successful.

Last week we were talking with a man who has been very successful in his life. He's made a lot of money in thepast, but at 50 years old he's struggling financially and frustrated. If we had told him how easy it would be to become successful we could have signed him on the dotted line that very day.Not so fast. We are no longer interested in signing people up, we're looking for serious people. Thankfully, we've been very successful and can afford to be selective, but the real truth is nobody should try to slam people into a business.This man said all the right things.

He's been successful and he knows what it takes to become successful and he says he really wants to improve his life. Doesn't everybody say that, or something like that?When we started to share with him what we knew for a fact that it would take to become successful he backed off immediately. Oh well, I would never do that.

I'm not going to do that. Had we taken the advice of more than a few so called MLM experts we would have spent a long time making friends with a man who clearly wasn't going to do what ittook to become successful. Perhaps, we could have bonded on the phone and felt all warm and fuzzy, but warm and fuzzy doesn't pay the bills.Treat your MLM opportunity like a business, it's the only way you will ever become successful.


" Failure is simply an opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
Henry Ford
1863 - 1947






You can't send a duck to eagle school
By Mac Anderson =

A few years ago, i was having lunch with a top executive from a company known for their legendary service. I asked him how they did it and he said something I never forgot...
He said, " you cant send a duck to eagle school. " I said, " Excuse me ." He repeated,

" You cant send a duck to eagle school.
"You cant teach someone to serve ; you cant teach people to smile; but we can hire people who have those qualities and teach them our product and then our culture.

I never forgot what he said that day.... I just wish I had heard it 20 years sooner !Here are a few other " lessons learned " in my 30 years as an entreprenuer .

Enjoy!If your company mission is to climb a tree, which would you rather do: Hire a squirrel,or train a horse?

ATTITUDE isnt everything , but its pretty darn close.
If you chase TWO rabbits, BOTH will escape.
CUSTOMER SERVICE IS NOT A DEPARTMENT.... its an attitude. The road to SUCCESS is not always a ROAD.
WISDOM is knowing the right path to take.... INTEGRITY is taking it.
PROCRASTINATION is attitudes natural assassin. Less is almost always MORE.Even EAGLES need a push. And finally an old chinese poem that I love:Go to the people. Live among the people Learn from them.Start with what they know. Build on what they have.But of the best leaders,when the task is done.The people will say... We have done it ourselves.

" You must have the courage to constructively confront your teammates who arent willing to do the right thing. You may not be liked all the time when you hold your teammates accountable,but you will be respected, which is more important anyway"
Jeff Jannssen =